[Sunny there is a few double storm surges, when darkness light phase alternating no? Whether poor riches and honour all have their own unique charm and unknown secret.Don't have to give up, no matter how life is a winner, why care about others eyes. Bright sun shines, depressing twilight,bright stars, dark of the night.Constant ups and downs, it is not easily between weaving a beautiful scenery. Fearless, bright future waiting for self discovery.]

[Sunny there is a few double storm surges, when darkness light phase alternating no? Whether poor riches and honour all have their own unique charm and unknown secret.Don't have to give up, no matter how life is a winner, why care about others eyes. Bright sun shines, depressing twilight,bright stars, dark of the night.Constant ups and downs, it is not easily between weaving a beautiful scenery. Fearless, bright future waiting for self discovery.]