他的原话是“This blog link might be interesting for your fan group. This is wiritten by a danish woman that is attending all our concerts in Denmark.”(这位粉丝十场演出都参加了……orz)
MLTR Spring Tour 2016
06.04.2016 ~ MLTR concert in Holbæk
Gonna Be Around, Complicated Heart, Breaking my Heart, Sleeping Child, Hit By A Feeling, You Took My Heart Away, One Way Street, Let’s Build A Room, Different Song.
BREAK Nothing To Lose, Blue Night, I Will Wait For You, Something Right, Someday, I Still Carry On,The Actor, Something You Should Know, 25 Minutes.
EXTRA TRACKS: That’s Why (you go away), Wild Women, Paint My Love

Months of exiting waiting time was over – Now the day had finally come where Gitte and I should meet each other enjoying lovely MLTR music LIVE again. The first concert on the tour was in Zealand so it was a longer trip for me. I was sailing from Jutland to Zealand and enjoyed some time in the town Roskilde looking in shopping stores before it was time to move on to Gitte´s home. A warm welcome I got from both Gitte, her cat Venus and her parrot Sally :o) :o)
After a nice little talking time here it was time to meet Gitte´s mother, and move on to the concert place in Holbæk. We did found the place without problems, and met a friendly guy smoking a cigarette outside. You are going to the MLTR concert he asked us, and we said yes with big smiles. I made the dinner for them, that they are eating now he told us, and continued. They are very friendly, and the sound check they made earlier sound great. Sure that completely sound like a fine description of our musical heroes and their work :o) :o)
Soon afterwards more audiences were coming, and we were allowed to go inside. It was a nice little concert room, and we were lucky to get seats on first row. Right from the first look on stage, we got a signal that some changes have been made since the last MLTR tour in Denmark. First there was no keyboard to see, but a white grand piano instead. We also saw some extra chairs on stage in front and some old-fashioned spotlights on stands in the background. These observations just make the excitement inside Gitte and me even higher :o) :o)
Finally our heroes went on stage, and they started by sitting in front saying good evening with sweet smiles on their faces. Then they start singing the first 3 songs without instruments but Mikkel´s guitar and Kaare´s box that he use as a drummer. And then Jascha´s amazing singing voice of course. It was very beautiful and somehow more touching versions of the songs that way. The audiences were listening with deep interest – Clearly they were here mainly because of the music just like Gitte, her mother and I :o)

After that it was time for a quick little changes on stage. The extra chairs came out, and Troels entered the stage with tribute from the audiences. Then we got “Sleeping Child” with our heroes behind their instruments.
As Jascha did use a grand piano instead of the keyboard, it he was not so visible behind his instrument. After some time he therefore ask us if there were anyone attending the show down there? He got laughter and a yes as answer. "Cool it is a good concert?" He then asked us. Uh yes dear Jascha - A lovely one :o) :o)
It was a playlist with many fine surprises I think. For a long time I have got such a big wish to hear “Let´s Build A Room” LIVE. Finally that wish came true, and it was a great experience. I think it is such a beautiful fresh song, and the lyric fit so well into the world we see today where an universe with nothing but love is such a good appealing message. Another surprise was “A Different Song”, that also did fit great into the show. In the end we got an instrumental play between Mikkel and Troels, and for a short time they suddenly did start playing the soundtrack from a Danish movie called “Olsen Banden”. We all knew that movie here in Denmark, and really did laugh of that input to the song :o) :o)
After the break Jascha went on stage to give us his solo version of “Nothing To Lose”. Listen to the song only with Jascha´s magical singing voice made it somehow more touching I think.

In good company the time is running much too fast, and soon it was time for the extra tracks. During the show the audiences have been supporting our heroes very well. Especially when it came to the well knowing songs in the second part of the show, the mood was even extra high and lovely. No doubt that everybody did enjoy it, and our heroes got a very well deserved standing up tribute in the end. Here it also was a surprise to hear “Paint My Love” as the last song. When all came to all we could say our heroes understand to renew themselves, and try to do something different and see what happen :o) :o)
After a wonderful evening it was time to drive Gitte and her mother back to Gitte´s home again. Thanks and see you later we said to each other with hugs and smiles, before I was moving on to Korsør in Zealand where I should spend the night :o) :o)
他的原话是“This blog link might be interesting for your fan group. This is wiritten by a danish woman that is attending all our concerts in Denmark.”(这位粉丝十场演出都参加了……orz)
MLTR Spring Tour 2016
06.04.2016 ~ MLTR concert in Holbæk
Gonna Be Around, Complicated Heart, Breaking my Heart, Sleeping Child, Hit By A Feeling, You Took My Heart Away, One Way Street, Let’s Build A Room, Different Song.
BREAK Nothing To Lose, Blue Night, I Will Wait For You, Something Right, Someday, I Still Carry On,The Actor, Something You Should Know, 25 Minutes.
EXTRA TRACKS: That’s Why (you go away), Wild Women, Paint My Love

Months of exiting waiting time was over – Now the day had finally come where Gitte and I should meet each other enjoying lovely MLTR music LIVE again. The first concert on the tour was in Zealand so it was a longer trip for me. I was sailing from Jutland to Zealand and enjoyed some time in the town Roskilde looking in shopping stores before it was time to move on to Gitte´s home. A warm welcome I got from both Gitte, her cat Venus and her parrot Sally :o) :o)
After a nice little talking time here it was time to meet Gitte´s mother, and move on to the concert place in Holbæk. We did found the place without problems, and met a friendly guy smoking a cigarette outside. You are going to the MLTR concert he asked us, and we said yes with big smiles. I made the dinner for them, that they are eating now he told us, and continued. They are very friendly, and the sound check they made earlier sound great. Sure that completely sound like a fine description of our musical heroes and their work :o) :o)
Soon afterwards more audiences were coming, and we were allowed to go inside. It was a nice little concert room, and we were lucky to get seats on first row. Right from the first look on stage, we got a signal that some changes have been made since the last MLTR tour in Denmark. First there was no keyboard to see, but a white grand piano instead. We also saw some extra chairs on stage in front and some old-fashioned spotlights on stands in the background. These observations just make the excitement inside Gitte and me even higher :o) :o)
Finally our heroes went on stage, and they started by sitting in front saying good evening with sweet smiles on their faces. Then they start singing the first 3 songs without instruments but Mikkel´s guitar and Kaare´s box that he use as a drummer. And then Jascha´s amazing singing voice of course. It was very beautiful and somehow more touching versions of the songs that way. The audiences were listening with deep interest – Clearly they were here mainly because of the music just like Gitte, her mother and I :o)

After that it was time for a quick little changes on stage. The extra chairs came out, and Troels entered the stage with tribute from the audiences. Then we got “Sleeping Child” with our heroes behind their instruments.
As Jascha did use a grand piano instead of the keyboard, it he was not so visible behind his instrument. After some time he therefore ask us if there were anyone attending the show down there? He got laughter and a yes as answer. "Cool it is a good concert?" He then asked us. Uh yes dear Jascha - A lovely one :o) :o)
It was a playlist with many fine surprises I think. For a long time I have got such a big wish to hear “Let´s Build A Room” LIVE. Finally that wish came true, and it was a great experience. I think it is such a beautiful fresh song, and the lyric fit so well into the world we see today where an universe with nothing but love is such a good appealing message. Another surprise was “A Different Song”, that also did fit great into the show. In the end we got an instrumental play between Mikkel and Troels, and for a short time they suddenly did start playing the soundtrack from a Danish movie called “Olsen Banden”. We all knew that movie here in Denmark, and really did laugh of that input to the song :o) :o)
After the break Jascha went on stage to give us his solo version of “Nothing To Lose”. Listen to the song only with Jascha´s magical singing voice made it somehow more touching I think.

In good company the time is running much too fast, and soon it was time for the extra tracks. During the show the audiences have been supporting our heroes very well. Especially when it came to the well knowing songs in the second part of the show, the mood was even extra high and lovely. No doubt that everybody did enjoy it, and our heroes got a very well deserved standing up tribute in the end. Here it also was a surprise to hear “Paint My Love” as the last song. When all came to all we could say our heroes understand to renew themselves, and try to do something different and see what happen :o) :o)
After a wonderful evening it was time to drive Gitte and her mother back to Gitte´s home again. Thanks and see you later we said to each other with hugs and smiles, before I was moving on to Korsør in Zealand where I should spend the night :o) :o)