下面重点来了。讲了这么多的500px的评分 运行机制。那怎么利用这个机制呢,那在500px发什么会受大家欢迎呢。
Good content is king on 500px
This may sound cliché, but the first thing you need to do is to post quality pictures only. Leave the cute cat photos to other platforms, please. 500px is NOT a website like Flickr or Picasa where you are encouraged to upload a large amount of pictures at a time. You may do it, but you will be quickly discouraged by the 20 picture weekly limit and by the fact that most of your lesser quality pictures won’t get any views. To put it in other words, it is better to post great pictures occasionally than to post average pictures regularly. Not only does the pictures have to be of a high visual standard, but the editing should be too. I know, sometimes post-processing can be excessive on 500px, but you have to fight fire with fire. Not editing or poorly editing your pictures among a whole page of nicely post-processed ones is a surefire way to not get attention. Good post-processing is of a critical importance.
Good content is king on 500px
This may sound cliché, but the first thing you need to do is to post quality pictures only. Leave the cute cat photos to other platforms, please. 500px is NOT a website like Flickr or Picasa where you are encouraged to upload a large amount of pictures at a time. You may do it, but you will be quickly discouraged by the 20 picture weekly limit and by the fact that most of your lesser quality pictures won’t get any views. To put it in other words, it is better to post great pictures occasionally than to post average pictures regularly. Not only does the pictures have to be of a high visual standard, but the editing should be too. I know, sometimes post-processing can be excessive on 500px, but you have to fight fire with fire. Not editing or poorly editing your pictures among a whole page of nicely post-processed ones is a surefire way to not get attention. Good post-processing is of a critical importance.