6. Growing Pains 90 春节序曲NO.1,把歌词改改能够赶得上明年的春晚了。本来将这首歌列在第五,但是我实在是太喜欢Beautiful Lies了。前奏的哼唱颇有中国戏曲(日本艺伎)的腔调,犹记初听知识差点笑出声的场景,因为前奏真的喜感满满。主歌的旋律大家都似曾相识,仔细想来,大概是采样了Love You More Than I Can Say,中文版就是大家所熟知的《爱你在心口难开》。副歌部分很给力,个人认为这首副歌很棒。间奏部分我似乎听到了孩童的喧闹声(真像过年)。鸟妹全程假音不间断,配上东方(京都)的腔调,多了几分妖娆妩媚,大上海歌女即视感。以这样一种喜庆的方式诠释这种伤痛主题,莫非是反讽的手法?很有一种蓦然回首,云淡风轻,笑看往事的感觉。成长的伤痛会让我们更加坚强,我们最好早些接受现实,然后各自安好。PS:常常脑补鸟妹身着红色旗袍唱这首歌的样子。 5.Beautiful Lies 90 作为专辑同名歌曲,应是最贴近主题,最贴近心灵,是一首足以触动内心的曲子。Beautiful Lies做到了这一点。唯一不足之处就在于,桥段部分的和声简直是累赘,主歌中若有若无的和声也让这首小调显得笨重。但抛开这些小瑕疵,此曲短小精致,情感细腻,娓娓道来,配上Birdy标志性微忧郁的嗓音,加以简单的感情和弦乐修饰,这极简的小调,让人深陷于这淡淡的忧思之中,这是原来的Birdy,这样的曲调如此熟悉且真情流露,但这却又不是原来的Birdy,这样的吟唱,这样的成熟,这样的坚定,这样的沉静内敛,与前作满满的少女的不加修饰的天真无邪与恍然若失截然不同。大概,成长的痛苦就是这样一种虽然细微,但却渗入身体的每个部分,真真切切的慢性折磨,一切过去,又是全新的自我。独自多听几遍,竟不知泪流。歌词令我感到那样真切的疼痛。 Beautiful Lies\ Cover my eyes with your hands\ Just pretend we’re better\ Turn out the light\ There are no more surprises to come\ Let’s be numb together The world’s so fast\ That nothing lasts\ Let’s save it while we can Coz I want to be forever\ Like smoke in the air\ Float like a feather, going nowhere Lost in the silence\ I don’t need to be free\ Kill me with kindness and please Tell me beautiful lies\ I wish that I had the strength to let go\ But I don’t\ I’m paralysed\ I see the child in your eyes\ And I’m stuck in the headlights I know too well\ That time will tell\ It’s easy to forget Coz I want to be forever\ Like smoke in the air\ Float like a feather, going nowhere Lost in the silence\ I don’t need to be free\ Kill me with kindness and please, Oh well I’ve tried to be open\ But I’ve found it’s hard when you’re broken\ And in the heat of the moment we’re free So please, please, please Tell me beautiful lies\ Cover my eyes with your hands\ Just pretend we’re better\ Turn out the light\ There are no more surprises to come\ Let’s be numb together 4. Silhouette 93 最成功的转型作品。粉丝与非粉丝皆爱的作品。无论是主歌还是副歌,编曲都足够抓耳;从歌词到曲风,这都是一首足够大气的作品。比喻如华丽的装饰,混响为原本朴实的曲调增加了力度,副歌结尾轻快的人声吟唱更像是对压抑的一种宣泄。间奏部分鸟妹的哼唱和背景的和声更是将这样感情推到了制高点。歌曲酣畅淋漓,十分洒脱。坚强,大气,自信,多么理想的人格;干脆地抛弃过往,尽情嘲笑那些曾经对自己遭遇熟视无睹的人,多么痛快。这样理想,甚至有些梦幻的状态,就应该修饰得华丽一些。 There are shadows in my dreams\ Storms that steer me out of reach\ And you just wait on my defeat So I built an army underneath\ And now they guard me while I sleep\ And this worn out frame will carry me Don’t go holding your breath\ You know that I’m not done yet\ There’s still a fight in me left\ Don’t go shouting out loud\ That you’re claiming the crown\ I’m down but not out And the bittersweet\ Of every new defeat\ Is I’m stronger that before\ Maybe on my knees\ But I still believe\ These broken wings will soar Untie my silhouette\ It’s all that is left\ Of a broken heart\ Leave all of my regrets\ To sink like ship wrecks\ Through oceans dark In the dust I wrote my name\ And from the ruins hopes were raised\ Coz all that’s lost can be replaced\ In time Don’t go holding your breath\ You know that I’m not done yet\ There’s still a fight in me left\ Don’t go shouting out loud\ That you’re claiming the crown\ I’m down but not out And the bittersweet\ Of every new defeat\ Is I’m stronger that before\ Maybe on my knees\ But I still believe\ These broken wings will soar Untie my silhouette\ It’s all that is left\ Of a broken heart\ Leave all of my regrets\ To sink like ship wrecks\ Through oceans dark Untie my silhouette\ It’s all that is left\ Of a broken heart\ Leave all of my regrets\ To sink like ship wrecks\ Through oceans dark