"For me, the main place of work - Vitas" ...
Sep. 12th, 2009 at 3:36 AM
"He completely rejects all attempts to talk about show business. He does not recognize the word" brand "...
... The desire to get acquainted with the "catering", where the singer Vitaly Grachev cares brand "Vitas" occurred to my friend and journalist Gabriela Ionites more at his concert in Bucharest - this was genuine admiration in his voice the audience, and really very good, together with the Romanian "maestro" Gheorghe Zamfir song project. Frankly, the idea of a conversation with producer Sergei Pudovkin (as it is known, Vitas does not give interviews in person) was not very inspired - the area of my interests lie far beyond the various shows. However, after I sent a remake of Romanian folk song «Checorlie», sounded at the concert, thoroughly caught in me that does not happen often. So, I also have some questions ...
Comment postfactum answers someone at your own questions also do not consider fair reception. Therefore, let everyone see in them what they want to see. Let me just say one thing allowed to disagree with estimates of a man about some of his statements, it is possible to invent the desired result what lies between the lines of his argument, and then the very same poёrnichat. However, the most important component of any conversation that can not paint any paint - tone - always will give real attitude to things. Behind this can testify that Sergey in our conversation showed utmost sincerity not only in their errors, but, to his credit, in all of our questions answers. And showed undeserved (in my conclusion, based on the opinion of one of the spectators "live" concert) the sensitivity of the statements in relation to the organizers of the presentation. In general, I believe that the conversation was very honest, as much as possible to combine these opposites - the sincerity and political correctness.
The interview was published in the Romanian Internet-version of the joint US-Romanian edition of «TopBusiness» July 30 this (2009) year. (//
http://www.topbusiness.ro/romania/Section Arta is, in Romanian, of course, language). Here I post it under its own heading and free from possible edits presentation (of course - in Russian!).
"For me, the main place of work - it Vitas"
- Sergey, Vitas - this is undoubtedly a successful brand. What are the components it is built?
- You know, I would not start a conversation with this and apply in relation to the Vitas word "brand". Still, it has some technological, man-made, non-living. I know, as a producer, a director and creative enough people that Vitas first artist. Another thing is that today even the name and status of many of the world is seen as a social phenomenon. Neither the level of popularity, nor involved in large-scale shooting or committing tours on the biggest stages of the world - all this in itself does not give grounds for regarding as a brand.
- Then what term you would use instead of the word "brand"? Perhaps more suited "phenomenon"?
- No. I do not advocate any of globalization and generalizations. In relation to the bright, original person, who writes his own songs, his music, and that is extremely artistic and individual on the stage, which does not fit into the framework of the existing show business applies the term "artist". With regard to Vitas, I hope to maintain their status of the artist, an artist with a very bright and unusual voice, with a very original scenography, with a very vivid way, with a very bright music, and make every effort to do so. People are tired of the routine and monotony, which today dominate the world of show business. All these formulas, diagrams, "American Idol" can not, as you know, to be an individual. It is a mechanism, a conveyor. Vitas just allows people to experience vivid, unusual emotions that do not fit into a framework which dictates the modern show business