in 1930s, the us had under gone through the transformation of economy and culture. The people, set in the background of economical recession and war threat, generally had psychic traumas. They experienced the sharp drop in spirit, from confident optimism to inferior pessimism, during the world war 1 and 2. in 1920s, it was a vigirous,energetic and dauntless and had a firm belief in business that creativity was everthing. it was like the roller coaster rushing from the highest, when people laughed, had no fear about future and were with a hope for a more brilliant future. In contrast, when the roller coaster was going downwards, it seemed extraordinarily precipitous, long and treacherous that all dreams shattered, which was disgusting to everyone. In that time, which was charactised like a roller coaster running sharply from the highest to the lowest, people needed spiritual support and emotional solace. The traditional hero was no longer able to support and solace the people who had urgent desire for being strong. what they need was exactly something like the Redeeme, with a super power without any being fettered by the real world, to rescue them. they called for a new hero, different from before, that could encourage and support them in spirit. Thus, the best years of cartoon came, of which the symbol was the birth of super hero.