The study was conducted in three regional states of Ethiopia; Amhara, Oromia. and the Southern Mations Nationalities ana people regional stale from August 2007 to April 2008 with the objective of identifying the foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotypes circulating in the region.Two serotypes were recorded from epithelial tissue and oesophageal-pharyngeal (OP) fluid that were taken from outbreaks in study regions of Ethiopia. Serotype 0 FMDV was identified in Girar Jarso, Yabelto, and Ankesha Guagusa districts while SAT-1 was isolated in Surma and Maji districts from tissue samples and this was the first report of the FMDV serotype in Ethiopia. Similariy, the OP fluid samples were found positive for SAT-1 FMDV in Maji and Surma districts.