今天晚上去了超市,星巴克大瓶玻璃装真心便宜⋯为甚麼碟也那麼便宜⋯后来我手上随便拿了一个未标价的茄子去问售货员,他长篇大论的和我说好多好多,说的好严重。因为那个茄子好像有点坏坏的,他以为我要买,就说bilibalabala "if you eat this, you get sick, or anyone in your family get sick, you go to hospital and they'll ask you where did you get that, and you would probably say at Atlantic supermarket, and my boss will find me, and I'll lose my job and go to jail." OMG OMG!!!!! 说了起码三分钟,好严重好严重的感觉,我马上放下茄子,立地三秒。
准备去读语言的学校Saint Mary's university, 商科专业,因为这所大学优势就是商科。但是我高中大一都是学设计,我徘徊了很久到底要学什么好,过几天去参观NSCAD, Nova Scotia, Canada, Art and Design. 还有两个月时间给我我考虑。总之选学校选专业,遵循一原则,选择你所爱的,不让你惧怕星期一的,你热爱的。