汉与罗马吧 关注:144贴子:5,020




IP属地:云南20楼2015-03-11 14:38
    Yeah, but Rome was at the verge of collapse when the Huns arrive in Europe.
    Has there been studies that shows if the Han Crossbow can penetrate the Roman tower sheild

    IP属地:云南24楼2015-03-11 14:39
      Isn*t this sort of like CSM v SM warfare? =).
      Actually, I*m told the Romans have better morale, their troops are "harder". They*re very muscular from heavy road work, and their society glorifies the martial virtues(Rome only got to where it was by conquering its neighbors, it was not innately an economic power).
      The Chinese general has to be very careful. If he screws up or dies, the entire Chinese army will break and get decimated. As long as this scenario does not occur, the Han can exploit their technological and doctrinal advantages.
      By the way, what*s the history of siege crossbows? You know, the leg powered artillery crossbow? The first time I*ve encountered those were when I watched the movie "Hero", they don*t seem to pop up a lot in the popular culture.

      IP属地:云南26楼2015-03-11 14:40
        The Qin got to where it was from conquering its neighbors.The Han under Wudi conquered and destroyed the Xiongnu (huns) and broke their hold on Northwestern China.
        The Chinese military expedition under Ban Chao, with 70,000 men, reached all the way to the Caspian sea in 97 AD. The Parthians seek an alliance with them because they were being conquered by the Romans under Trajan. When the Roman*s conquered the Parthian capital of Csitephon (sp), they were within 1 day march from Ban Chao*s border outpost. After Trajan*s death, the Romans withdraw...so did Ban Chao.

        IP属地:云南27楼2015-03-11 14:40
          Chinese military history is filled with turn and flee actions.
          Wow Sumdud. You are a square. First off- you wrote rate of fire as RoF. Secondly, what kind of douche bag would apply the term rate of fire to a sword!?!?
          Well, long sword are much more deadly at ar***ength, and short swords are very useful if you want to get intimate with your opponent. That way the Japanese samuri carrys 2 katanas most of the time, one long katana to attack and a short katana to defend and attack at short range.

          IP属地:云南28楼2015-03-11 14:40
            I know how they use the pilums, but how would the Chinese army fair against it?
            Well, It*s easy to get close enough to use their pilum, advance in tortudoes to protect from the crossbow and reploy in the 3-lines formations after, it*s would easily pierce the Chinese Armor, the light pilum, of 750-900g can kill anykind of lightly or unarmored trooper, the 1,5kg heavy pilum can even pierce the heaviest armor. And BTW, for chinese assieging Roman, roman did some great fortification too, don*t underestimated them...
            I*m sorry to break this to you, but crossbow bolts went straight through any armour that wasn*t plate, and could even pierce that when fired accurately enough.
            Pilums didn*t work against the Huns, and they wouldn*t work against the Han either. Especially not against a complete mobile army like the Han were.
            well, the roman curved shield offer much more protection that you can even think about it in this time and their armor was good to, the roman "armora locata" was better than the heavy chainmails used century later by knight, pilum don*t work against anykind of cavalry, don*t forget that, and the Huns were only cavalry, not the Han army...

            IP属地:云南31楼2015-03-11 14:41
              Catapults, yes yes. I know Roman uses it.
              Roman soldiers are disciplane. And they*ve got nice shield. I read on books saying that China got some good formations too with good shields.
              I would say crossbow bolts can pierce plates, but not thick ones.
              I agree with you on the pilum thingy. Chinese soldiers does have formations but when attacking, soldiers will just go anywhere on the battlefield hacking and slashing, I personally do not think Pilum will be any use.
              Don*t forget it was the Han cavalry who drove the Huns from their capital.

              IP属地:云南32楼2015-03-11 14:41
                Han cavlarymen were drawn from Chinese living on the frontiers. They had to fight the Huns constantly, and also lived a similiar nomadic lifestyle revolving around the horse. Chinese cavalry were of high quality, not much different from the Hunnish cavlary. They fought with composite bows, spears, and swords/shields.
                i understand this point but the Han army was not only cavalry...
                But they had enough to destroy the Roman legions!

                IP属地:云南33楼2015-03-11 14:41
                  At their apogy, the Roman Empire got a total of 24 legions, 16 cohorts in Rome (10 Praetorian and 6 Urban) and 122 cohort of legionnary garrison in cities. That mean aproximatly 208,920 men ready to fight. If all the units are destroyed, the conscription of citizen is an option...

                  IP属地:云南34楼2015-03-11 14:41
                    That was about one fifth the size of Han Imperial army. At its height Han empire fielded 15 hundred thousand cavalry. Both in terms of numbers and weapon production capacity, Rome is left sucking dust.

                    IP属地:云南35楼2015-03-11 14:42
                      I would love to see a Chinese epic movie around this time period but without the fantastical martial arts.
                      They could have a movie about the first emperor and shows the ancient chinese armies in all its glory.

                      IP属地:云南36楼2015-03-11 14:42
                        When we talk about the Romans are we using the Western European meaning
                        for the term or the one used by the rest of the world ?
                        We*re talking about the Roman Empire which ruled most of Europe for centuries, then collapsed due to low birth rates, bad emperors and stifling bearocracy.

                        IP属地:云南37楼2015-03-11 14:42
                          Han Chinese - Missile weapons. Good cavalries, armours for every soldier, overwhelming numbers, smart and strategic generals.
                          Romans - Great formations and disciplane soldiers. Dunno more.
                          Rome had discipline professional soldiers, career generals, and the best heavy infantry in the world at that time.
                          In order to beat them, the Parthians use their composite bows and refrain from closing in on them. Once the legionaries got you within melee, they will most likely have won.
                          Yeah, they are soo good in fighting barbarians without good armour and with lower pop...
                          this thread is still alive?! LOL
                          are you guys just keep stating the same things over and over again?

                          IP属地:云南39楼2015-03-11 14:43
                            A good army does not depend on luck, so if it*s army is weakened by luck it will not be destroyed. A good army*s general always know where the enemy might ambush him and sends scouts forward. I think it depends mostly on the general, and there has been cases in history when an army that was outnumbered by the enemy 10 to 1 won the battle.
                            Some times they do.
                            If the Romans had 3000 legions and Han has only 100 guards in a small city.
                            What if the city is near a cliff, and 2999 Romans sliped and died on accident? Then its 100 on 1 . LOL
                            you must be insane, liberator, 2999 died of slipping of a cliff?! if the general is smart, then he might not attack the city directly but rather surround the city and wait the enemies out. the enemy would eventually run out of food and water. see, no casualties.

                            IP属地:云南40楼2015-03-11 14:43
                              Rome do have very formidable discipline and tactics. But they do not have monopoly of it.
                              In han China, crossbowmen are arrange in 3 ranks to alternate fire (front rank - fires; rear rank reloads; middle rank -advance). Doing so ensures a consistant barrage. These crossbowmen are protected by a shield wall of heavy infantry from melee attacks.

                              IP属地:云南41楼2015-03-11 14:43