Year of the sheep 2015. We’re getting read for the #chineseNewYear. What are your plans for the spring festival ? #YearOfTheSheep #SpringFestival #ChineseNewYear.Happy Chinese New Year from all us crazies at the REDSTAR studio. Anyone in Beijing want one of our amazing 福 signs let me know! Designed by our very talented @lee.berlin they will bring you the best of luck!

Year of the sheep 2015. We’re getting read for the #chineseNewYear. What are your plans for the spring festival ? #YearOfTheSheep #SpringFestival #ChineseNewYear.Happy Chinese New Year from all us crazies at the REDSTAR studio. Anyone in Beijing want one of our amazing 福 signs let me know! Designed by our very talented @lee.berlin they will bring you the best of luck!