Hephaistion: The man who sold it to me said it came from a time when man worshipped sun and stars. I'll always think of you as the sun, Alexander and I pray your dream will shine on all men. I wish you a son. [puts the ring on Alexander's wedding finger] 赫费斯提翁:卖戒指的人告诉我它来自崇拜太阳星辰的时代,我将永远把你当作太阳,亚历山大,我祈祷你的光辉会普照众人,我希望你成为圣子。(将戒指戴在亚历山大的无名指上)
Alexander: Then choose your relatives more carefully. Don’t expect me to sit here and watch you shame yourself. 亚历山大:要更谨慎的选择你的亲人。别指望我坐在这看你羞辱你自己。 Philip: Shame. 菲利普:羞辱? Attalus: You insult me! 阿塔罗斯:你侮辱我!
表白这一段。。(°ー°〃) Alexander:...All I know is...I trust only you in this world.I've missed you.I need you.It is you I love,Hephaistion.No other. 我所知道的只有……这世上我只相信你。我想念你。我需要你。我所爱的是你,不是其他什么人。 Hephaistion:You're everything I care for...and by the sweet breath of Aphrodite...I am so jealous of losing you to this world you want. 你就是我所关心的一切……以佛洛狄忒的甜蜜气息为证……我真嫉妒你想要的这个世界,怕会失去你。