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【翻译】《 异动之刻》 ( Time to Change )


权当是练习英语?( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

IP属地:中国香港1楼2015-01-05 22:46回复
    < Time to Change >
    #01 The start of engage
    Chapter 00. Wedge
    Chapter 01. The world always being destroy in this way
    Chapter 02. Emissary of Polar
    Chapter 03. Attack
    Chapter 04. The third side
    Chapter 05. Assault underground
    Chapter 06. Protecter
    Chapter 07. Gambit
    Chapter 08. Beginning of completing
    Chapter 09. Transform
    Chapter 10. The road of beginning

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2015-01-05 22:47
      Chapter 00. Wedge
        The story starts in this way.
        Long-long time ago, an alone and old gentleman adapt a child who was as alone as him and they had got family of each other, living a happy life afterward.
        Every story of everyone starts in this way.
        Another person will need you after you were born.
        Then the story starts from that.
        Although it was the darkest place, when looking backward to the harsh and curved road after you had got to the place, finally you can discover that actually there was sunshine appeared.
        No one knows how the future will go before the true end comes.
        The discovering story searching the ending after start.
        No matter how many times of fail have appeared, it will be staged again before the end.
        Lies, friends, need, lightless, darkness, wisdom, and more different songs made the past and future.
        There comes the question: How do you wants to go before the last time?

      IP属地:中国香港3楼2015-01-05 22:47
          There are white flowers putted on the desk fully.
          Here is a three-floored duplex house withfront courtyard and backyard that just like lots of play could saw. Located ata normal prized lot and with residence surrounded, neither extremely richpeople nor especially poor ones. Here are the houses of normal social statuspeople to live.
          The house doesn’t let people besides of ownerand guests to pass in and out unceremoniously for the original state. However,as for the funeral, from front courtyard to hall is opening for people toturnover freely. Just a white cloth covered places after the hall to give amessage that ’inspecting are not allowed’.
          He think that having a open farewell is kindof sumptuous action at the beginning, and it is different from his opinion thatmake cremation without impressive which would not make a kind of waste.
          They did not have to do these much of thingthat they are kind of people without family and friends.
          But from the third day of the cremationstarted, there are lots of strangers appeared that claim as his grandpa, thedead people’s, friends. They bring packets of white flowers to put onto the desk.
          It is kind of western memorial ceremony…… no,maybe just not very similar.
          The day before the old man pass away, he wastold to hold a ceremony like that and the old person picked the most satisfied photographfrom the album to put in the hall.
          Actually he do not want to say about that. Forthe normal people passing away, they always chose good-looking photos to puton. Who the hell will choose a strange photo with brilliant clothes and a poseof the 50’s?
          He even doesn’t know when his grandpa took this kind of photo. He bet that the time photo taken will not be too away fromnow as the gaffer has face similar from dead, but the background is the leaning tower of Pisa.
          When his grandpa did have spare money to takephoto at photo shop?
          As the deceased are always the biggest,although didn’t figure this out, Dawn still followed his instruct and make thephoto into sixty-inched sixe to put onto wreath for the people to mourn.
          That is why he can’t cry outon the cremation.
          Saying the truth, it is too, too difficult fora people to cry after face-to-face with this kind of photo for a whole day. Yet,he had do this for almost three days―― or should he count from the day he received the enlargedphoto?
          Therefore, please forgive that your grandsonis so filial.
          He thought in the heart in this way, thenlooking on the flowers in a un-imaginable quantity on the table. It is not badfor them to be more but they do not have many people to contact in the life. Those‘friends’ that appear suddenlyjust let him suspect as they are with no authority nor even money.
          Yes, they even do not have money.
          The only thing they got was the three-flooredhouse. Besides of it, the passed away one was a scavenger when the young was astudent. Impossible to make much money from job for both of them.
          The house was bought with a terrible cheapprice by his grandpa that ten and some years before a family of five werekilled here and here was hunted that no one dared to live. The past owner didn’tcry for the low price but surprised that giving them second-handed furniture,even knee down to beg his grandpa not to return the house. Just make the topicback, he look at the surrounding. He had lived here for years without seeingeven a figure if those ghost.
          Did here got ghost actually? Why didn’t he andhis grandpa met something in this house that everyone said that it was hunted,especially when they lived in it for years?
          And there is no one visiting for ordinary, sohe do not know did the others met ghost in the house of not.
          They did not got even one relative.
          He is really confused about those visteningpeople.

        IP属地:中国香港5楼2015-01-05 22:48

          IP属地:中国香港6楼2015-01-05 22:49
            对不起完全看不懂……不过还是来顶了 加油!还是会来尝试看得

            来自Android客户端7楼2015-01-07 17:52