非常高兴回到家里与这些衣冠楚楚的绅士度过疯狂的四天。他们是这个世界上最好的人,也是我最亲密的伙伴。马上回来! @tobysmth @izaaclathouras @jakethrupp @justinstirling
原文:Stoked to have spent the past 4 wild days back home with these dapper gents. The best of people and my closest mates in the world. Back soon! @tobysmth @izaaclathouras @jakethrupp @justinstirling

非常高兴回到家里与这些衣冠楚楚的绅士度过疯狂的四天。他们是这个世界上最好的人,也是我最亲密的伙伴。马上回来! @tobysmth @izaaclathouras @jakethrupp @justinstirling
原文:Stoked to have spent the past 4 wild days back home with these dapper gents. The best of people and my closest mates in the world. Back soon! @tobysmth @izaaclathouras @jakethrupp @justinstirling