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【Story】《Old hospital》


On a dark night there was no moon in thesky and it was rainy hard with thunder. There was an old hospital lying on theground. Sometimes there was some scream in the hospital. Sometimes you couldhear crying from the hospital.You could see people go in there but you couldn’tsee them leave there. People always died in there and we always see bloodaround the hospotal. No one know what was living in it……
“Look!Look at the computer. Oh! It’s so amazing.” Jackshouted.
“What? Let me look.” “Yes. It’s amazing.”Grace said.
“Do you want to go in there?” Jack asked.
“Yes. Why not?”Lucy, John and Joe answeredtogether.
Jack, Grace,Luck,Joe,John aresisters and brothers.They all liked adventures and they wanted to go on a newadventure. The information on the internet said there was a hospital in avillage,some people said that the hospital was very scary and people who gothere always die, but the five children didn’t think there were ghosts in theworld so they wanted to go there.
“Hi, children. What are you doing now?” Theirmum asked.
“We are planning a new adventure to an oldhospotal” Grace answered.
“Is that hospital in a small village?” Mumasked.
“Yes.” They answered.
“Oh! I heard that before. You can’t go there,it’s too dangerous!” Their Mum said.
“No .Mum. We all like adventures and we thinkit’s not dangerous we don’t believe there are ghosts!” John shouted.
“ I said you can’t go . Did you hear what Isaid ? I said you can’t go !” Their Mum shouted.
“We won’t listen to you. We will go !” Lucysaid.
“Ok, but you must be careful and don’t hurt yourselves.Will you remember?” Their mum said.
“Yes. Mum.” They answered.
Their mum went outside of theroom.
“How can we get there?” Lucy asked.
“ I must think of transport that can go thereand is very cheap.” Jack answered. “Oh ! We can go there by bus. It’s cheap!”He shouted.
“Yes. It’s cheap and we can go there in themorning, have adventures at night.” Grace said.
“How great it is!” Joe exclaimed.

来自iPhone客户端1楼2014-08-01 11:24回复

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2014-08-01 11:47
      It was night, so the five children went tosleep. They were all excited for their adventure tomorrow.
      The next moring, the children go up. Theytook many things. Bread, money, flashlight, map . They got on the bus . Theygot there and stayed in a farm beside the hospotal. They waited for night fall,they decided to go there at night because night would make the adventure moreexciting.
      At night……
      “Now. It ‘s night. Let’s go !” Jack saidquietly.
      “Yeah!” The others shouted.
      The gospotal was so quiet. You could hearblood moving on the ground. They walked quietly and slowly. It was so dark.
      They had flashilights but it was unluckily,the flashlights couldn’t work. Maybe it was broken.
      “ It’s so terrible!” Lucy cried.
      “So we must be careful!” Jack said.
      They walked very carefully. They always heardthe wind blow and blow. Lucy was the youngest of the five children. She likedadventures but she was the timodest one. She looked like she want to cru.
      “ Lucy , don’t cry. Be brave. Be adamant ok?You can do that. You are not timid. We’ll protect you. Don’t cry, ok?” Gracesaid determinedly.
      “ok! I won’t cry. Thank you, Grace.” Lucysaid.
      They coutinued.
      “Ah~~~~” One of the children screamed.
      “Who? Who was screaming?” Jack asked.
      “ It’s Joe. It’s Joe’s sound.” John answered.John is only one year older than Joe. He liked his brother very much so he knewit was Joe’s sound.
      “Joe? Can you hear me , Joe ?It’s John. Whathas happened?”John asked. He was so worried about Joe but no one answered.
      “ Oh! God, please help me! There is a corpseover there.” Jack said scared.
      “It’sJoe’s. It’s Joe’s !! I don’t think this is really. You are Joe. You are mybrother. You are my dear brother. Why? Why are you dead? Why?” John cried. Hewanted to touch Joe but when he touched him,he felt a hand was grabbing him andpulling to the ground. Then he felt some pointed things stabbing onto his bodyand wanting to pull his lungs out.

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2014-08-01 11:54
        “Help me ! Help me! AH~~~” John screamed.Then the other three children heard a noise. “Peng!”. They saw John wastumbling on the ground and there was many bloody, wounds on his body.
        “Look!” Lucy shouted. “We don’t know whathappened but it has killed my two brother. What has killed them ?” She startedcrying.
        “ My dear Lucy. We really don’t know whathappened but I promise, I promise I’ll protect you two until we escape ok?”Jack promised. He was the biggest child of the five children and now he wasonly boy so he must be brave. He thought he must protect his two little sistersuntil they got out.
        “You promise?” Lucy and Grace asked.
        “Yes. I promise.’” Jack answered.
        “Jack I want to go to the toilet. Where isit ?” Lucy asked quietly.
        “ I think it’s over there.” Jack answered.“ We will stay outside it .”He said.
        “ Thank you Jack.”Lucy said and she got tothe toilet.
        A long time later…..
        “Lucy? Lucy, can you hear me? Are you ok,Lucy ? Lucy?” Grace asked many times but no one answered.
        “ Grace? What happened? Why Lucy doesn’tcome out? It’s been a long time.” Jack asked.
        “I don’t know. I called her many times butshe never answered and I never heard her sounds.”Grace explained.
        “ Let’s go in and see what happened.” Jacksaid.
        They went to the toilet. Theywere petrified by what they saw. Lucy was lying on the ground. There weren’tany wounds. There wasn’t any blood but she was really dead she had no breath.
        “ Oh my god! Lucy! Lucy, please please wakeup. Please wake up! Wu~~~Wu~~~” Grace cried.
        “ Oh! Sorry! I’m so sorry, Lucy. I promisedyou I would protect you but I didn’t honest. I ‘m not a good brother. I said I’llprotect you until we got out but you died. I ‘m so sorry,Lucy. Please don’thate me .Please forgive me . Please!” Jack shouted.

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2014-08-01 11:55
          “ It’s not your fault Jack, before this wedon’t think there were ghosts in the world but now I think there are ghosts,Jack, maybe I’ll die next. I don’t want you to promise me you’ll protect me. Iwant you to promise me you will get out.” Grace said and she wasn’t crying now.
          “But…..” Jack wanted to say something.
          “ Shut up! Promise me ~” Grace shouted.
          “ Ok ! I promise.” Jack said.
          They walked slowly and triedto find the exit but they couldn’t find it. Suddenly a rope flew from a roomand through Grace’s body flew away.
          “ Grace! Are you Ok? Grace !” Jack shoutedscared.
          “ No I’m not. I know I couldn’t live in thisworld, I’ll die. Jack, you must get out! Please remember, I love you mybrother, I love all my brothers and sisters and I love my mum and dad so pleaseget and tell then I love them for…..” Grace wanted to say “forever” and Jackknow she wouldn’t open her eys forever.
          “ Oh no! Grace! You can’t leave me ! You can’t!” Jack was brave and strong but now he cried. He had lost his all brothers andsisters. He couldn’t believe that. He promised Lucy that he would protect herbut she was dead. He also promised Grace but she was dead. Why couldn’t protecthis sister. Why ? He thought and felt very sad. But he had never compelte Grace’shope . She hoped he got out and he had promised to so he must do it. He tookout a knife from the bag and put it in his hand.Just as he did thay, a soundcame from a man who stook in front of him.
          “ Wow . Ah~~~” Jack screamed.
          “Hah!Hah! Do you know me ? I’m a ghost I loveblood!” He smiled evilly.” “ I haven’t drank blood for a long time. Yourbrothers and sisters are all dead. I have a lot of blood from them. If I killyou I ‘ll have more and more new blood. It’s tasty. Do you think so ? Hah!Hah!”The ghost laughed loudly!

          来自iPhone客户端5楼2014-08-01 12:32
            Jack thought this ghost must be a madman. Hethrew the knife at the ghost but the knife went through the ghost and the ghostwouldn’t hurt. He started running but the ghost could fly. It flew at Jack anduse its hand to smash Jack’s body and ripped Jack’s heart out.
            “No!” Jack screamed.
            “Hah !Hah! You can’t run away. You only haveone choice: DIE!” “ Hah~~~~” The ghost laughed and tore Jack’s heart out . Jackwas dead. He couldn’t compelete Grace’s hopes.
            “Sorry! Grace…” These were the thing Jacklase words . Then he close his eyes and never opened them
            When theit Mum know that they all died, theirmum cried for a long time. She couldn’t believe that but the facts told herthey were dead.
            Afterthat a little people ge there to have adventure but never come out.
            If you go. Be careful! It could happen to you…..

            来自iPhone客户端6楼2014-08-01 12:33
              @惜顔L 亲 来捧个人场呗 帮我拉点人关注本吧可好

              来自iPhone客户端7楼2014-08-01 13:42

                来自Android客户端8楼2014-08-01 13:44

                  来自Android客户端9楼2014-08-01 14:05

                    来自iPhone客户端10楼2014-08-01 14:06

                      11楼2014-08-02 21:55
                        让我想起了ENGLISH GRADED READERS。。那些改写的书 尤其比较喜欢PENGUIN READERS 虽然和OXFORD那些出版的比起来 没什么深度 但比较贴近生活
                        期待你的新作品! 加油

                        12楼2015-05-30 19:57