Good morning my bestest angel in this universe/拥抱/拥抱/亲亲/亲亲, i really missed you so so much my girl/委屈 i had a very good time at my sisters today and was nice to see eachother again after a while/可爱she cooked us a nice pasta meal with some nice garlic bread, taste so nice and i really think she cook the best lasagne pasta dish ever/饥饿 her children really liked my gift toy that i gave them/呲牙 haha you know they couldnt even work out at first how to open it up because you and me fold them and they just could not know how to open them out straight to start it off but i showed them how to do it and turn it carefully without break it and finally they knew how to/呲牙so funny watching them see how they do it, you can see the pictures on facebook on my sister tani page and you can see what they been trying to make, its been good fun there today/呲牙 i gave her the chinese cup in the end and she did like it but she said she wouldn't use it/委屈 she then decided to give it to her boyfriend to use instead which is ok with me i guess but was really meant to be a special gift for her that i thought she would like/委屈kind of hurt my feeling a little when she said she wouldnt use it much but its ok i guess not everyone would like some gift maybe and i tried to feel better about it. i tried to ring you about 2:15 in my time and it said that the phone number i tried did not exist and then i suddenly realized that we both have new mobile phones and i never put your new number in my new phone yet because you never gave me your new phone number/呲牙you got a new phone and i think you should give me your new number tomorrow so that i can ring you whenever i want/委屈i give you mine tomorrow too if you dont have mine, i really missed you and really wanted to call you so much, i must have tried nearly 8 times to call you and thought you might have been angry with me but really you were ok in the end and wished i had a nice day with my sister, was nice of you to send me that message/可爱wish you got enough sleep in the end my best girl and dont blame you wanting an early sleep, will also get an early sleep tonight too, get all my energy back ready for the busy and exciting next week mmmm/坏笑gonna do some really good work and try my best but for now i will relax and just do normal computer work tomorrow, cant wait see you again and hope you miss me always, i love you the deepest and you my best angel, i love you alot, take care and have a nice day/拥抱/拥抱/亲亲/亲亲/亲亲/亲亲see you soon my lao po er。可以锻炼阅读理解了!