he minimum requirements for admission are:
• a portfolio of design work that demonstrates creativity and/or artistic skill;
• two years in a university degree program (10 full-year courses, 20 half-year courses, or a combination), with a 2.5 grade point average (B- average), including the following courses:
• a full-year course (or two half-course) in mathematics or natural sciences, for which Grade 12 math is a prerequisite: e.g., algebra, calculus, trigonometry; biology, chemistry, engineering, physics;
• a full-year course (or two half-year courses) in humanities or social sciences: e.g., art history, classics, literature, music, history, philosophy, anthropology, political science, psychology, sociology;
• a half-year course that emphasizes written composition (often designated by a university as “writing requirement” or “writing intensive”.)
来自:w ww.dal.ca/a cademics/academic_calendars/Undergraduate_Calendar_2014_2015/Admission_Requirements.html
Question: 那对于一名工科学生,是不是要额外修课呢?
在此只能给出推论,请各位感兴趣的同学自行咨询advisor,欢迎将咨询出来后的结果贴出来啊! 另外本人也刚刚给advisor写了email,如果有结果也会贴出来
w ww.dal.ca/a cademics/academic_calendars/Undergraduate_Calendar_2014_2015/Departments/Engineering.html
参考:1.在writing课表中HSTC 1800.03/1801.03 (both must be successfully completed in order to satisfy the Writing Requirement)
2. 在课程简介的formart中写着writing requierment
附上两张满足写作课要求的课表,分别来自academic calendar和我大计算机的suggested courses
• CLAS 1000X/Y.06; 1010X/Y.06, 1100X/Y.06
• Integrated Science Program
• ENGL 1000X/Y.06
• Any two of ENGL 1010.03, 1020.03, 1040.03, 1045.03, 1050.03, 1100.03
• GERM 1020X/Y.06; GERM 1080.06
• HIST 1005X/Y.06; HIST 1867X/Y.06
• Any two of HIST 1503.03, HIST 1504.03, HIST 1006.03
• HSTC 1800.03/1801.03 (both must be successfully completed in order to satisfy the Writing Requirement)
• JOUR 1001X/Y.06 *
• King’s Foundation Year
• OCEA 1000X/Y.06
• PHIL 1010X/Y.06
• POLI 1103X/Y.06
• RELS 1200X/Y.06
• RUSN 1020.03/1070.03 (both must be successfully completed in order to satisfy the Writing Requirement)
• RUSN 2051.03/2052.03 (both must be successfully completed in order to satisfy the Writing Requirement)
• SCIE 1111.03 (satisfies the requirement for BSc students only)
• SOSA 1050X/Y.06
• SUST 1000.06
• THEA 1000X/Y.06, 1300X/Y.06
http://w w w.dal.ca/academics/academic_calendars/Undergraduate_Calendar_2014_2015/Colleges_and_Faculties/College_of_Arts_and_Social_Sciences_Degree_Requirements.html
The following courses have been approved to count towards the Writing Requirement:
INFX 1615.03
INFX 1616.03
CLAS 1000.06
CLAS 1010.06
CLAS 1100.06
ENGL 1000.06
Two of ENGL 1010.03, ENGL 1020.03, ENGL1040.03, ENGL 1045.03, ENGL 1050.03, and ENGL 1100.03
GERM 1020.06
GERM 1080.06
HIST 1005.06
HIST 1867.06
HSTC 1800.03 and HSTC 1801.03 (both must be completed)
JOUR 1001.06
OCEA 1000.6
PHIL 1010.06
POLI 1103.06
RELS 1200.06
RUSN 1020.03 and RUSN 1070.03 (both must be completed)
RUSN 2051.03 and RUSN 2052.03 (both must be completed)
SOSA 1050.06
SUST 1000.06
THEA 1000.06
THEA 1300.06
Dalhousie Integrated Science Program
最后呼吁各位同学活用官网,活用academic calendar和自己多问问advisor, 我也只是一个搬运工而已...