阿拉斯加雪橇犬敏捷赛... 总是看结构展,看看敏捷赛咱们阿拉的出色表现也8错,谁说阿拉笨重,这也凸显出了合适的骨比重对于一只工作犬而言的重要性。
In considering size, one must at all times remember why the Malamute was originally bred. The dog had to exert constant physical effort, and yet require a relatively small amount of food. A dog much larger than that defined in the Standard would require more food just to stay alive than would be allowed for the amount of weight to be pulled! A dog much smaller than that called for in the Standard would not be capable of putting forth enough physical effort to enable it to pull the loaded sledge for a long distance over many days. Thus, the basis for the sizes in the Standard is simply efficiency.
The general appearance of the Alaskan Malamute should be that of a powerfully built dog with a broad, deep chest, large bone and a broad head. None of these characteristics should be carried to such an extreme that the qualities are out of proportion with the rest of the dog. Adequate bone is needed, but not to the extent that the bone is so large that it makes the dog seem awkward and inefficient. The same is true of the head. Though it should be large and somewhat blocky in appearance, it should not be so heavy as to give a coarse or clumsy look. The head should have a wide skull with a thick muzzle having well muscled jaws. The ears, however, should be small in proportion to the rest of the head. Long extremities would be prone to frostbite. The almond shaped eyes must be brown, never blue. All these features help to blend the head in with the rest of the body, exhibiting a powerfully build dog without being ponderous.
简单地说,阿拉斯加马拉缪特犬是结实、魁梧而有力量的犬种,并不应该给人以巨大、粗重、笨拙的外观。如果做比拟的话,西伯利亚哈士奇是诸如"Arabian" "Thoroughbred"之类的赛马,热血马,是最有精神的马,一般而言也是跑得最快的马。阿拉斯加马拉缪特犬就是"Clydesdale"冷血马,具有结实的身躯与骨架,安静、沉稳,不是很快,但是体格却很强劲。

阿拉斯加雪橇犬敏捷赛... 总是看结构展,看看敏捷赛咱们阿拉的出色表现也8错,谁说阿拉笨重,这也凸显出了合适的骨比重对于一只工作犬而言的重要性。
In considering size, one must at all times remember why the Malamute was originally bred. The dog had to exert constant physical effort, and yet require a relatively small amount of food. A dog much larger than that defined in the Standard would require more food just to stay alive than would be allowed for the amount of weight to be pulled! A dog much smaller than that called for in the Standard would not be capable of putting forth enough physical effort to enable it to pull the loaded sledge for a long distance over many days. Thus, the basis for the sizes in the Standard is simply efficiency.
The general appearance of the Alaskan Malamute should be that of a powerfully built dog with a broad, deep chest, large bone and a broad head. None of these characteristics should be carried to such an extreme that the qualities are out of proportion with the rest of the dog. Adequate bone is needed, but not to the extent that the bone is so large that it makes the dog seem awkward and inefficient. The same is true of the head. Though it should be large and somewhat blocky in appearance, it should not be so heavy as to give a coarse or clumsy look. The head should have a wide skull with a thick muzzle having well muscled jaws. The ears, however, should be small in proportion to the rest of the head. Long extremities would be prone to frostbite. The almond shaped eyes must be brown, never blue. All these features help to blend the head in with the rest of the body, exhibiting a powerfully build dog without being ponderous.
简单地说,阿拉斯加马拉缪特犬是结实、魁梧而有力量的犬种,并不应该给人以巨大、粗重、笨拙的外观。如果做比拟的话,西伯利亚哈士奇是诸如"Arabian" "Thoroughbred"之类的赛马,热血马,是最有精神的马,一般而言也是跑得最快的马。阿拉斯加马拉缪特犬就是"Clydesdale"冷血马,具有结实的身躯与骨架,安静、沉稳,不是很快,但是体格却很强劲。