114篇 Yeah, well, I think a lot of it is to do with capturing and disseminating information, and whether we do that effectively or not. We're not alone in encouraging employees to come up with ideas for improvements in procedures, etcetera,
particularly those aimed at enhancing customer service levels.
But I'd like to see the outcomes of that publicised internally, we could have a
kind of magazine to supplement the annual report, and it could come out several
times a year.
I guess that could help.
It all ties up with where the company thinks it might be going.
Yeah, that's the big issue. I'd say that boils down to identity.
Which we need to work on developing over the internet.
I think that probably comes later. What we need to ask is - and this is surely
where we're heading - is how to build recognition. If you look at who succeeds in selling globally.
Our role models.
Being readily identifiable helps companies to sell in on and off-line environments and cross old-fashioned national boundaries.
It's certainly quite a challenge.I
particularly those aimed at enhancing customer service levels.
But I'd like to see the outcomes of that publicised internally, we could have a
kind of magazine to supplement the annual report, and it could come out several
times a year.
I guess that could help.
It all ties up with where the company thinks it might be going.
Yeah, that's the big issue. I'd say that boils down to identity.
Which we need to work on developing over the internet.
I think that probably comes later. What we need to ask is - and this is surely
where we're heading - is how to build recognition. If you look at who succeeds in selling globally.
Our role models.
Being readily identifiable helps companies to sell in on and off-line environments and cross old-fashioned national boundaries.
It's certainly quite a challenge.I