土神行见两人的反应与自己所想完全致,满意的点头道:“你们散修平时只顾闭门修炼,少与外界交道,是以消息闭塞。没听说这传言倒也正常。当时,很多修士都在暗中谋划,要夺那渡厄金丹,这其中,甚至有不少大修士,只是那许重也是极聪明的人,自从突破了人禁大关之后,竟然从此躲了起来,再也没有人见过他,不久之后,就又有传言称他已经死了。但我绝不相信他真的已经死了!我直有种感觉,他定还活着,只是躲在了什么地方!”No satisfactory conjuncture offered itself on this first evening of his return for presenting Elfride with what he had been at such pains to procure. He was fastidious in his reading of opportunities for such an intended act. The next morning chancing to break fine after a week of cloudy weather, it was proposed and decided that they should all drive to Barwith Strand, a local lion which neither Mrs. Swancourt nor Knight had seen. Knight scented romantic occasions from afar, and foresaw that such a one might be expected before the coming night.