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The Loose Moose Show



IP属地:上海1楼2013-07-09 17:02回复
    因为我实在是不会翻译,所以只好简单地转述。(懒人一个= =0)

    IP属地:上海2楼2013-07-09 17:02

      (黛:本人之前就是怎么也看不懂这一幕,也只能听懂少数单词T T现在终于懂了)接下来这一幕看起来似乎是对BBC(英国广播公司)削减预算的嘲弄。我之前从未看过Doctor Who(科幻电视剧,可自己百度),所以我决定先看几集,然后才能基本理解这一幕。我的初步印象是,Doctor Who是一个时间旅行者,他的时光机(= =原谅我这么翻译)外面看起来像个电话亭而里面相当宽敞。那医生与他的同伴穿梭到很远很远远远远的未来并且遇到了许多域外生物。现在让我们回到The Loose Moose Show。
      由于BBC(英国广播公司)的令人遗憾的财务决策,JB扮演预算削减之后的Doctor Who,而Josh戴着可笑的黑人假发扮演Doctor Who的新同伴。然而,他们只有5英镑去拍摄那一集(是指Doctor Who里的一集)!看到一系列故障的道具后,Josh说他不干了。我很喜欢他们俩在这一幕中天衣无缝的演出。感谢拍摄的人,给又一个多面的Josh超大特写镜头。

      “I KUIT!!!”

      IP属地:上海4楼2013-07-09 19:21
        The Loose Moose Show's season premiere *wink* has given me an imponderable joy to be precise. The script cleverly woven various tricks in both expected and unexpected spots. Not to mention that their acting is natural as breathing air! Huge kudos to Josh, Sam, Liam, Alex and Jonathan! I've never expected anything remotely close to this sheer essence of awesomeness. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love these guys more than ever. Like EVER. Especially Josh for being so damn cute even in his sarcastic and cynical moments! ;)
        In the first act, Jonathan is mugged by a masked man who turns out to be Josh. This aspiring con artist attempts to sell the robbed wallet back to Jonathan but when his true identity gets uncovered, he runs away. My personal favorite part of this act is definitely "the many faces of Josh" in three seconds. Who would've thought he can actually frown? Lol.
        Then the scene turns into Alex's epic daydream as a rock star. He was so immersed into his dance that I actually felt as if I was peeping into his room! Sam's suspicious face at the end was just cherry on the top. It was awesome. Definitely the best pseudo-silent-film ever!
        I was emotionally overwhelmed for a split second to see Sam sitting behind the wheels. It was like a reality-slap that he is now seventeen which means that Sam and Josh can legally drive in the UK. Imagine stopping at a red light and seeing Josh in your next lane? Lol. The more interesting fact is that they both can buy their own drinks in this October. Holy cow... let's not think about that until later of this year... and yes, I'm such a huge digresser.
        Going back to The Moose Loose Show, Liam and Sam closes the deal and "love you" slips out from Sam's mouth, immediately followed by an awkward silence and more awkwardness between them. I thought Sam is gonna turn that ergonomically designed wheel (lol) and drive away but that didn't happen. Maybe Sam is still learning how to drive? :)
        The next act pokes fun at a seemingly current issue (is it?) about BBC's budget cuts. I've never watched Doctor Who before so I decided to watch some episodes on Netflix to get basic understandings of this act (FYI, seasons 1-5 are available to watch on Netflix). My initial impression is that Doctor Who is a time traveler whose time machine looks like a phone booth which is rather spacious inside. The Doctor and his companion travels to far, farrrrr future and encounters various extraterritorial creatures. Now let's get back to The Loose Moose Show.
        Due to BBC's unfortunate financial decision, Jonathan plays the post-budget-cuts Doctor and Josh, in his ridiculous Afro wig, plays the new companion. However they only had five pounds to film this episode! Lol. After seeing a series of malfunctioning stage props, Josh calls it quits. I really enjoyed Josh and Jonathan's seamless acting in this one! Thanks for the camera person for mega-closeup shots of another "the many faces of Josh" ;)

        IP属地:上海本楼含有高级字体5楼2013-07-09 19:28

          IP属地:上海通过百度相册上传6楼2013-07-12 15:28

            第一幕,在"You Wouldn't"系列当中,我们终于可以短暂地休息一下了,其实我更想把它称为“整蛊Liam Connery的101种方法”【哈哈!】,除了Josh因非法下载电影而被JB处决的那一段。我个人最喜欢的是Josh那一声大叫,然后脱下Liam的鞋那一部分。非常随意,非常有趣!

            IP属地:上海本楼含有高级字体7楼2013-07-12 15:44
              第二幕,接下来这又是一个“Love you”小板块Josh问Jonathan如何去圣菲利普教堂(St. Philips Church),然后……

              “Love you”


              IP属地:上海8楼2013-07-12 15:51

                第一幕中的“You Wouldn't”系列是模仿这个英国超火的喜剧《IT狂人》中的……

                IP属地:上海9楼2013-07-14 18:17