- the aim spread after moving the gun/turret is not influenced by gun length or gun weight or other hidden parameters, but by gunner skill 移动扩圈和转动炮塔扩圈每个车都有固定系数,和炮重等其他属性无关,和炮手技能有关
- it's not yet decided, whether parts of client physics will be switcheable off, or just the physics as whole - experiments are in progress 同之前所说,客户端的高级物理引擎还没有决定是整体开关还是分功能开关。实验还在进行
- XP is awarded for first enemy module destruction (eg. Chained tracking will give you XP for destroyed tracks only once) 只有对敌人某模块的第一次创伤才有经验,(也就是说,即使你无数次的断掉对方履带,也只能收到一次断带经验。)
upcoming Maus buff is confirmed, but it's not know when will it happen and it will not be significant 已经确定未来会有鼠爷加强计划,但是什么时候落实还不知道,而且不会把鼠爷一下子变得特别强的。 (我没有标题党哦~确认就是落地了,之后毕竟还有回收的过程……)
- acceleration is a balance parameter, eg. the acceleration of Leopard 1 doesn't have to be historical 加速度这种东西是平衡过的参数,比如说豹1的加速能力可能与史实不同。(查证了一下,豹1的历史加速度貌似不是很出色,据描述和AMX30相似,而AMX30的机动性受到了传动系统的严重影响,所以在具体数据出来之前不要抱怨毛子黑德系。。。)
the +/-25 percent random factor came to be thru experience, in the beginning, it was 50, it won't be reduced to 10 总提到的±25%的(炮弹伤害、穿深)随机量是根据经验得出来的,最开始是±50%,这个量不会减到±10%的。