同样在塔林,15岁Karmen在Tallinn戏院门口,被现在的经纪人Margit Jõgger相中,自此踏上时尚之路,在那之前她还搞不清楚那些奢侈品牌,在学校里常常受到同学的欺负。事业初期同样很艰难,先当一天站12小时的试衣模特,设计师只把你视作不会吃喝拉撒的人体模型,采访中提到过这段艰苦的经历:
"Driving around in the subway all the time, map in a hand, all alone. Being only 15 years old in a strange city is quite cruel."When I started I was
Stella McCartney's fitting model. And I remember I had to be in front of the
mirror 12 hours a day 3 month straigh, at the same time I had a really high
fever and I just collapsed couple of times a day. And I also have problems with
my back. That's why I can easily pass out.
"There are lots of young models who have to travel a lot and be away from home. And when you are 15 and going to travel. The young models cannot be away from their parents and friends. And they don't have a shoulder to cry on and they just
disappear suddenly, they just cannot handle being inside of it. It's a really
hard job. Models change all the time, every season there are new models, there
are only a few who stays for longer. "