The mayor leads them in. 『镇长率领众人进入房子』 White woman 2: (Nervous) Did anyone call and make sure this is a good time . . . ? Maybe we should come back later... 另一白人妇女:(紧张)有谁给他打过电话并且确定这是个合适的时间(来造访)? 我们也许应该改天再来…… Black woman 2: Yeah, like when it's light out . . . you know, like daytime. 另一黑人妇女:对啊,像光线更充足的时候,比如白天。 They walk all the way into the house. The doors close behind them. Lightening strikes. 『他们径直走进了房子内部。大门在他们身后缓缓关上,电闪雷鸣』 Black man:(really scared)Oh damn! 黑人男子:(非常恐惧)噢,见鬼! They walk along a corridor and the door in front of them closes. Another door opens, and they walk in. They come into a big hallroom. They all scream as a raven flies over their heads and disappear into darkness. 『他们走在一条走廊里,突然他们面前的门合上了,另一道门开启了,于是他们走了进去。 他们走进了一间很大的厅。忽然一只大乌鸦掠过人们的头顶,大家吓得失声尖叫,乌鸦消失在黑暗中……』 Villagers: What was that?? 镇民们:那是什么东西?? They see a flick of a black cape disappear where the raven landed. Lightening strikes and for a split second they see a person standing there. They walk a bit closer and suddenly see the person's face: a scull! 『在乌鸦落地的瞬间,他们看到一件黑色的斗篷一闪。接着闪电再次照亮了大厅,就在这短短一瞬,人们看到有一个人站在那里。他们走近了一些,突然看到了那人的脸:一具头骨!!』 亲爱的快粗线吧!
hey all jump and the skelleton with the black cape walks towards them. But to their relief the 'skelleton' is only a mask which the person takes off, and they discover the Maestro's face behind it. 『人们都吓得跳了起来,这时,穿着黑斗篷的骷髅走向他们并且缓缓摘下面具,这时人们才松了口气,原来骷髅只是那人脸上的面具。他们更发现那面具后面原来是迈斯卓(迈克尔在本片中的名字,英语中是艺术大师的意思)的脸。』 Maestro: Did I scare you? 迈斯卓:我吓着你们没有? Woman: Uh-huh!! 妇女:嗯哼!(英语中表示肯定的语气词) Black boy: That's him mom! 黑人男孩:就是他!妈**lack boy's mother: I see. 黑人母亲:我知道了。 White young boy: Hi! 白人小男孩:嗨! White older boy: Sorry... 白人大男孩:抱歉…… Mayor: No you didn't scare me. Maybe you scared them, but you didn't scare me. 镇长:不,你没吓着我。也许你吓着他们了,但你没吓着我。 Maestro:(Smiles)Well that's too bad isn't is? I guess I have to try harder next time. 迈斯卓:(微笑)那可真糟啊,不是吗?我想我下次得再努力一点。 Mayor: There won't be a next time. 镇长:没有下次了! Maestro: Oh really? 迈斯卓:哦?是吗? Mayor: Oh really. 镇长:哦,当然。 Maestro: No next time huh? Why is that? 迈斯卓:没有下次了吗?为什么会那样呢? Mayor: We want you out of town. We have a nice normal town. Normal people. Normal kids. We don't need freaks like you telling them ghoststories. 镇长:我们要你离开这个镇子,我们的镇子平和而又普通,普通的人、普通的孩子。我们不需要像你一样的怪人来讲鬼故事。 我迈最萌了 艾玛……【倒