wow so you learn quite a bit languages^^ 5;DD I think you really should study the field related to languages^^ Chinese seems to be pretty similar to japanese^^ Am I right?:D But are there another letters in japanese and chinese alphabets? Then you have been taking japanese extra activities with a teacher?^^ I have been english extra classes for a few months and I always go to my teacher's house on Saturday ( but she isn't a teacher who teaches at my school) ^^ Besides she knows italian and french as well^^ I remember one year ago I was very poor at english because I wasn't learning at all ^^ My teacher at lower secondary school was poor and I didn't like her ;D Thanks to my extra classes my english is better but I am still making grammar mistakes^^ but i hope you understand me?^^ when it comes to french a few months ago I liked this language but presently i don't like^^ I was chatting with a girl from France even but I realised that this language was ( or is, i am not sure :D ) too tought for me ^^ In particular the grammar and the pronunciation^^ I don't have a french accent at all^^ So I prefer to focus on english because in effect majority of people know it^^ Then are you fluent in french?^^ thanks, i will ask you;)I'd like to do an Erasmus as well^^ My sister is the "mentor"( do you know who is it? it's a person who helps people from another countries who come to Poland to spend here an Erasmus) of the girl from Spain ^^ But in fact she has made friends with this girl and they often meet up and go to discos;D This girl is from Tenerifa and she invites my sister to her place during the next holidays^^ My sister is going to go there^^
okey, so i am looking forward to your story^^
hmmm no, the bathroom isn't a main reason^^ hahah just my sister has another personality type than me so I often don't get on well with her^^ But we don't have many opportunity to talk because she arrives home during Christmas and Easter and she spends not too much time during holidays here^^ A few days ago she left home and come back Poznań^^ And yesterday I realised she had been taken my bracelet and hadn't been asked me if she could phhhhhhh hmm i don't know why i'd prefer to have a brother hmmm boys aren't so annoying , i think^^ wouldn't you have a brother?^^ i am sure you'd like too;D
and yes, you're right^^ i always spend too much time in my bathroom^^ my mum always complains ;DD we should have more bathrooms in our flat^^ btw do you live a house or block of flats?^^
ohh so i think my recommendation was very good if you want to visit Kraków^^ hah;DD
In my mind I have heard about carnival in Venice^^ with masks, yes?^^ and when it comes to discos , parties etc. in my town there aren't many discos so I don't go ;D Besides I don't feel like meeting there familiar people;DD haha but generally i like having fun^^ I like going to discos in a big city or when i am on holidays somewhere^^ and you?^^