[22:40:18] ANNE: see the pic
[22:40:46] ANNE: u want buy one?
[22:40:50] ANNE: lol
[22:40:53] a: noooooooooooooooooooo hahahahahahaha
[22:41:02] a: mine is ok... (envy)(人家又没有说你不行,切)
[22:41:03] a: :D
[22:41:18] a: hahaha it's a nice video
[22:41:21] a: but
[22:41:24] a: in fact
[22:41:33] a: he's doing that to ask her to marry him
[22:41:38] ANNE: really ok.
[22:41:47] a: don't expect i will do that every day :D i can't
[22:41:50] a: but
[22:41:51] a: who
[22:41:53] a: knows...
[22:41:55] a: :P
[22:42:01] ANNE: i no think u will do
[22:42:07] ANNE: bzc
[22:42:21] ANNE: no more boy da that in the world
[22:42:24] ANNE: do
[22:42:32] a: pffffff
[22:42:33] a: :D
[22:42:34] ANNE: and cant do is normal(做不到很正常啊)
[22:42:48] a: u know why he did that thing?
[22:43:11] a: i ask u, u know? ^^
[22:43:15] ANNE: sure
[22:43:26] a: why so?
[22:43:27] ANNE: want her marry
[22:43:38] a: right
[22:43:38] a: so
[22:43:42] ANNE: yes.but many boy want girl
[22:43:44] ANNE: marry
[22:43:46] ANNE: right
[22:43:50] a: ....:D
[22:43:56] ANNE: the same.just he do one think
[22:44:01] ANNE: thing
[22:44:11] a: baby
[22:44:13] ANNE: is no bzc
[22:44:15] a: i know what to do :D(他说他自己怎么做了)
[22:44:17] ANNE: this is nice
[22:44:20] ANNE: just bzc
[22:44:35] ANNE: i no let u do ,really .who say marry u!hhaa
[22:44:41] ANNE: just bzc he want do
[22:44:46] a: hahahahahahaha
[22:44:59] a: prrrrrr :P
[22:45:09] ANNE: and many boy want girl marry just need 戒子
[22:45:42] ANNE: is no bzc he do that,.so u know he do that use how much time
[22:45:48] ANNE: just he have this heart
[22:45:55] ANNE: ok.stop.i no let u do
[22:46:00] a: ................................
[22:46:03] a: :D
[22:46:05] ANNE: i just think they firend is really funny
[22:46:12] ANNE: so i send for u(极力掩饰,被发现很没有面子)
[22:46:19] a: they have been nice to do that
[22:46:27] ANNE: yes
[22:46:42] a: hahahahaha i know u want a thing like that....XD
[22:46:54] ANNE: but i neave think one people for me do that
[22:46:59] ANNE: bzc i am 低调
[22:47:02] ANNE: lol
[22:47:15] a: pfffff
[22:47:22] a: baby
[22:47:24] a: i just say
[22:47:28] a: u will see
[22:47:30] a: ;)
[22:47:32] a: :D
[22:47:35] a: hahaha
[22:47:38] ANNE: who say marry u
[22:47:45] a: me (envy)
[22:47:47] a: :D
[22:47:50] ANNE: really
[22:48:03] a: (wasntme)
[22:48:04] ANNE: i send this is no bzc u need marry me(好吧,我装)
[22:48:15] a: i know
[22:48:15] ANNE: we are youger
[22:48:27] ANNE: and i dont want many people see me like this
[22:48:31] a: i don't say marry me tomorrow :D

[22:48:41] ANNE: yes
[22:48:46] ANNE: we are youger
[22:48:54] ANNE: marry is far thing
[22:49:11] a: so i have time to think something good....:D
[22:49:14] a: hhaha
[22:49:31] ANNE: i never say
[22:49:44] ANNE: who say marry u !
[22:49:53] a: :D
[22:49:56] a: ok