Our love is all we need to make it through…
Blaine边唱着,边投以不易察觉的微笑, Kurt脸都红到耳根了。他因为对方的凝视不觉微笑着低下了头。至少现在,他毫不怀疑了。他是这房间里唯二的两人之一, Blaine正在对他唱歌。他只对他在唱这首歌。
Now I know it ain't easy
But it ain't hard trying…
Every time I see you smiling
And I feel you so close to me
Tell me…
Kurt 咬住嘴唇让自己的笑容不要太过于明显。Blaine看起来很享受这一切,冲着他咧开嘴笑了起来。恍惚间,他很好奇这是不是就是其他男生的女朋友们面对他们唱情歌的时候的感受。
Now I still have trouble
I trip and stumble
Trying to make sense of things some times
I look for reasons
But I don't need 'em
All I need is to look in your eyes
And I realize…
Baby you're not alone
'Cause you're here with me…
接踵而至一阵缄默, Blaine微笑着把手搭在柜台上。他的指尖与Kurt简直近在咫尺。另一个男孩就只是默默地注视着他。