Wes: (心烦意乱) *在座位上不安的扭来扭去* 老天, 如果他是在对 Kurt唱,那这些歌词真心诡异了。
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender(我愿一生活在这样的糖衣炮弹里)
I could stay lost in this moment forever(我愿永远迷失在这样的瞬间)
Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure…(每一刻与你相处我都无比珍惜)
Logan 脸上挂着淡淡的笑容看了大家一眼。
Don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep(我不愿闭上双眼,我不愿入梦)
'Cause I'd miss you baby and I don't wanna miss a thing(只因我太想你,我不要错过任何关于你的事)
'Cause even when I dream of you the sweetest dream would
never do(因为梦见你这样甜蜜的事对我来说都太奢侈)
I'd still miss you baby and I don't want to miss a thing(我仍然很想你,我不能错过任何一件与你有关的事)
Blaine低头埋住脸, 仔细斟酌着整个表演. 林莺们通常都是用一首歌表达自己的情感Logan 把这首摇滚变得更柔和更抒情了,他心里五味陈杂,不自觉唇边泻出了一声叹息。