joshua-madine吧 关注:129贴子:2,953




IP属地:四川1楼2012-09-05 20:56回复


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              IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体9楼2012-11-27 13:52

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                        IP属地:四川16楼2012-12-07 20:57
                          This is from Kristian's review,many thanks~
                          Libera Recording (not concert;-)..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
                          Ok, so this time I'll do a review, cos this was totally diffirent from the concerts..
                          I'll just start from when I got to the church, or this is gonna be too long..
                          I found the church in a small street, hidden by houses, so that it was only possible to see when i got on to the street. A beautiful church. It was being restored, which ment only the top of the chuch was visibleLIt was 1½ hour before the doors opened and there were no one except for three children playing in the street. It was a beautiful weather so I sat down on a bench and strarted reading. (I had brought Narnia to indure the waitingJ).After, I think, half an hour, Chris and John turned up. At first I didn't realise who it was (as I've only seen Chris' picture on myspace.. and that is not easy to recognise. lol). Then three Dutch people came and I thought it might be time to start queueing. I closed my book and joined in.. After another half hour there were about ¼ of the queue at Arundel.. That did make me worry that it wasn't gonna get full. But I was wrong.
                          When the clock turned 7.00 the door was opened and people made their way towards a table that had been set up for the tickets to be given out. When I got to the table, I gave them my name and in return I got a piece of white paper with nothing on it. ?? What was that supposed to be for, I thought.. And so did everyone els, judging from there faces.We made for the front row, but was told to wait. They were going to call us in in smal groups to be seated. - So this might be what the pieces of paper was for. – So much for being there an hour and a half early, eh!
                          Blau Karten. That was what we got from the woman who were seating people. It didn't make any difference to ask for it in English. Still only 'Blau Karten'. Well, obviously that ment Blue carts, but what about the next coulor? Was that gonna be understandable as well?? We never found out, cos she was talking to hundreds of people, in what seemed to be a whisper. The first group of people were seated in the 6th row or something like that. The next group of people were to sit half way down the floor. It didn't look like there were any sence in what that woman was doing!!At this point we were getting a bit confused. Everybody were. People around us looked pussled, either because they didn't understand a word, or because they couldn't hear owt. Someone started to walk in, cos they thought it was their coulor, and some with other coulors did the same, wich made everyone just walk in at the same time. We stood there for a moment. Then decided to go for the front row, since everybody els seemed not to care anymore about that non-English-speaking-whispering-woman.

                          IP属地:四川本楼含有高级字体17楼2013-08-15 14:33
                            We managed to get seats in the second and third row. (Me at 2ndrow, 2nd from the left, in the left side of the church:-)I was really excited that I made such a nice seat. One of the reasons to go to the -thought to be- same concert for the third time, was to make a good seat so that I could actually see the boys this time.
                            Now we could relax and have a look at the church. It was amazingly beautiful. There were candles around all the pillars and candels all over the chuch as well.. A 'smoke machine' was creating a lot of smoke which filled the church with a mysterious light – perfect for a Libera concert – It even made the light from outside (still light at 8 in the evening at this time of year) look as part of the setting.. B-E-A-utiful!! There were hundreds of lights and a lot of cameras – only one man 'on the floor'. The cameras all had a piece of paper with pictures of all the boys with names.J Obviously to make close-up's! Ah, yes, bring 'em on :D lolThere were a lot of mics hanging from the ceiling.. (Note for AV members: The boys didn't have mics on them as someone said. The soloists had earpieces as they did in the concerts.)An orchestra of approx. 10 –20 musicians were located at the right of the stage. Violins and a drummer were the only ones I saw. I could barely see them because of a huge pillar.
                            A man – producer – came to the stage and told us a bit about this recording. He told us that it was NOT a concert, but a recording. This meant there were going to be a lot of interruptions. Though not during a song. (pheew:-/ ) And maybe we would feel the cameras were going a bit too close or getting in the way, or something like that. But he said that we just had to live with that. (the cost of the free tickets – they can do whatever they want)He also said that they would record a couple of songs for a special Christmas show in America.. And the DVD will be released by EMI sometime at the end of 2007.He announced that there would be an interval during the recording, because of the boys' age they were not allowd to do it in one takeJ cute little detail.. reminds us that this IS just ordinary kids..Then we had to do some applaud. Just to see if we were good enough for the DVD;) We had to do a standing ovasion as well. It was a bit wierd to do that before we had even seen the boysJWhile this producer were talking (which was mainly in Dutch) the boys were getting ready to go on stage. They stood waiting at the left, so I just sat there waching them instead of that crazy man speaking a language I didn't understand!

                            IP属地:四川18楼2013-08-15 14:34
                              The next song was another treat for me "Always With You" – This being my favourite song, I was blown away once more. And the choreography was wonderful. I can't say anything but go and buy the DVD!!
                              If anyone has wondered what has happend to the hoods.. This was the only time they used them.. or should I say it. It was time for "Stay With Me"by Ed, and Liam standing in the back with his HOOD on.. doing the high notes.. again, these kind of high notes are perfect for Liam – or Liam is perfect for them.. I dunno –
                              Tom was on.. again.. this time with "Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep" Once he started I was close to tears.. I love his rendition of this song. (Big)Ben sang this to perfection, but somehow I like it better when Tom sings it.. It's the way he interpret the lyrics. This is the moments from where you can tell these boys are truely professional. I would buy the DVD for this song alone..
                              Ben was to make the last announcement. Telling a bit about the tradition of the hoods.. If my memory serves me well, there was no 'getting lost in hoods' this time.. I hope I'm mistaken cos it's such a fun partJIntroducing the last song: "I Am The Day" sung by Josh and Sam.This is a great song for the final.. When the last notes had faded, the audience gave them a standing ovaision et all.. they did a lot of bowing and we did a lot of clapping.. ;-)
                              Then it was time for the two Christmas Special songs..First was "Silent Night"- Of course sung by Tom.. I don't know what to say about this, other than it was just like being in heaven on Christmas Eve!! Even though it was the begining of summer, it was just like Christmas had arrived early.. and I didn't mind skipping summer for this song! The lighting were all Christmas-ish, and I enjoyed the 10 minutes of Christmas with all my heart.The second Christmas Special was "Ave Maria"by Ed, of course. Beautiful.. How can it not be when it's Ed, am I right?
                              With these done, it was time for the two encores... The first one being "Sacris Solemnis".Now this song has become one of my top 10 favourites since I attended the first concert in March. I really love Fiona's 'solo' near the end.. the boys did a sublime job on this one.. when I say this was perfect, there must be some truth in it – cos I've been told there were no Sacris on Day 2.

                              IP属地:四川21楼2013-08-15 14:36