给你从choice搬出来的30 credits required for graduation:(18 compulsory and 12 optional)四年30个学分包括18个规定领域和12个可选
4 English, one per grade level 4分英语对应每个年段 也就是说每年必修一门英语
1 French as a second language 1分法语(不要求ESL)
3 Mathematics, at least one in Grade 11 or 12 3分数学 (数学到12年级之前为必选 12年级可选 一年一分正好3分)
2 Science(2门科学 9和10 年级必选 2分)
1 Canadian geography (9年级必选 )
1 Canadian history (10年级必选)
1 Arts (dance, drama, media, music, visual arts) (9年级必选arts )
1 Health and physical education 体育 9年级必选
0.5 Civics 10年级必选
0.5 Career studies 10年级必选
接下来3分要求你必须在3个不同的领域内 各自得一分包含在18分中....
Plus one credit from each of the following groups:
Group 1: an additional English creditor French as a second language*or a third languageor a Social Sciences and Humanities creditor a Canadian and World Studies creditor a Guidance and Career Education creditor a Cooperative Education credit *
第一组是人文科学语言或者co-op 职业教育类...
Group 2: a Business Studies creditor a credit in Health and Physical Educationor a credit in the Artsor a credit in Cooperative Education *or French as a second language *
Group 3: a Grade 11 or 12 Science creditor a Technological Education creditor a Computer Studies creditor a Cooperative Education credit *or French as a second language *
plus 12 optional credits* A maximum of two credits in
学校临近期末给的选课确认单子上会附有你拿到了那些学分 还缺什么学分