- On what Storyline’s stick out the most with Brie & Nikki, after talking about their storyline with Gail Kim & Daniel Bryan aswell as Kharma, they go onto say “Kelly Kelly… is one of our really close friends and to work with her was just awesome to have that little heel run”
- On having a feud with Kelly Kelly, they say “Oh my god, It was so easy and it was a legit a great time. We had more laughs yano, that Basketball Wives, that shows out and I think we had more jokes in the ring about Basketball Wives like… Kelly would try not to be laughing, and then she’d be like uh-uh no you, like we just would go back and forth with lines from Basketball Wives and have so much fun, and that’s like when you work with your really good friends you get to have more fun and you do more stuff like getting that stink face and getting lip stick on her shorts, we had so many jokes it was so much fun, it was like a really good time”
- On Divas such as The Bella Twins and Kelly Kelly being Models, they say that people have to get to know their models, “It’s World Wrestling Entertainment“. She notes Kelly Kelly as being a gymnast her whole life prior to WWE.
- On having a feud with Kelly Kelly, they say “Oh my god, It was so easy and it was a legit a great time. We had more laughs yano, that Basketball Wives, that shows out and I think we had more jokes in the ring about Basketball Wives like… Kelly would try not to be laughing, and then she’d be like uh-uh no you, like we just would go back and forth with lines from Basketball Wives and have so much fun, and that’s like when you work with your really good friends you get to have more fun and you do more stuff like getting that stink face and getting lip stick on her shorts, we had so many jokes it was so much fun, it was like a really good time”
- On Divas such as The Bella Twins and Kelly Kelly being Models, they say that people have to get to know their models, “It’s World Wrestling Entertainment“. She notes Kelly Kelly as being a gymnast her whole life prior to WWE.