What is the secret of you success?
I've always worked like a crazy and I never complain. Even in tough times I've always swallowed everything and keep going on. The hard work finally pays off.
How do you balance the intense working period with just being a simple girl, enjoying being a woman?
It's my job. When I'm not working I'm just a regular girl that enjoys life. Just like it is with every other work. I work, and later when I step out from the studio, I am the same girl who comes from Kehra. For many girls it's difficult to stay a simple girl like they were before they started modeling because this job can totally screw your brains. You have to remember all the time, even when you're doing really well, that once I was just a nobody in Kehra.
What would you recommend to Estonian girls who are dreaming of becoming a model?
Don't give up! Be strong! You can only do this job if you enjoy it. You can't model your whole life. It's a tough job but at the end of the day - earn your money and in the future you can do what ever you want.
When you were a little girl, how much did you know about Prada or Gucci, or did you get to know about all of this during the working process?
When I started, I didn't know what Prada was. I got a work with Prada and I asked my agent Margit what Prada was.
Have you had any critical moments on the catwalk that you have came out with success?
Usually, these are the shoes that makes it hard. Designers often design shoes that are impossible to walk with, especially when the catwalk is sleek.