Chris Brown can now add toymaker to his other business ventures as he joins forces with famed artist Ron English in creating a line of action figures that will be called “The Dum English” astronaut series. Chris may be new to creating toys but the singer has been into art since a young child and often can be seen spray painting original pieces around the world.
The action figures will have a futuristic look as they will be space figures with skeleton faces, star-shaped eyes, and even gold teeth. This definitely see***ike a Chris Brown toy since the muscian has both skeletal and star tattos on his body and he can also be seen rocking his occassional gold grill. The signifigance of the look is said to represent the pitfalls of being a star and the loneliness it may bring…..interesting concept for a child’s toy but I digress.
“An astronaut doesn’t go to space just for himself or his family. The whole country is behind him,” English says. “We were talking about what it was like to be famous,” English tells the Miami News Time. “It see***ike something that’s very attractive. But it can also be very isolating in ways.”
The toys will only be sold in specific stores like the popular toy store Kid Robot. Will you be purchasing a Dum English Astronaut for your little one?
Chris Brown现在可以把玩具生产加入到他的事业投资范畴中了。最近他与著名艺术家Ron English合作,打算开发一系列太空人的动作人物模型——”The Dum English“。Chris或许是首次进入玩具生产领域,不过他很小的时候就已经涉足艺术领域了,我们现在都经常能看到他的原创喷绘作品。
这些人物将具有未来的面孔,他们将拥有棱角的脸,星状的眼睛和金色的牙齿。这很像Chris Brown本人,因为他自己本身就脸部轮廓突出、纹有星星纹身。Chris说设计这系列玩具的初衷是为了表现出成为明星的诱惑以及这过程中所带来的寂寞感,尽管有点点不沾边,不过对于小孩来说还是很有趣的。
这些玩具只有在特定的商店像Kid Robot才能买到。你会去买这个系列的玩具给你的小孩不?