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IP属地:辽宁1楼2011-12-07 18:18回复

    2楼2011-12-07 18:49

      IP属地:辽宁3楼2011-12-07 18:50
        优先权: 总是先攻
        速度: 瞬移, 飞行 瞬移
        AC: 35(+9 敏捷, +4 天生, +12 凤凰甲)
        措手不及:26, 接触:19
        攻击: 金箍棒 +27/+22/+17/+12 近战, 拳头 +27/+22 近战
        伤害: 1d1000 金箍棒, 2d12+9 拳头
        面宽/触及: 5尺x5尺/视线以内
        特异能力: 选择性伤害, 72变, 毫毛
        特性: 瞬间移动
        豁免: 强韧+27, 反射+31, 意志+21
        属性: 力量29, 敏捷29, 体质20, 智力27, 感知8, 魅力26
        技能: 平衡+19, 唬骗+35, 逃脱+42, 驯养动物+19, 躲藏+35, 知识(神秘)+24, 知识(历史)+24,
        知识(自然)+24, 知识(贵族与皇室)+24, 知识(位面)+24, 知识(宗教)+24, 聆听+34, 潜行+37,
        扒窃+30, 探知+28, 察言观色+25, 侦察+32, 滚翻+42
        专长: 警觉, 双巧手, 盲斗, 战斗反射, 拨挡箭矢, 闪避, 寓守于攻, 精通拌摔, 精通双武器攻
        击, 精通徒手打击, 领导力(猴子), 灵活移动, 即时备战, 跳跃攻击, 旋风攻击
        气候/地形: 任何地面
        组织: 唯一
        挑战级数: 无望
        宝藏: 只有魔法物品
        阵营: 混乱中立
        选择性伤害: 猴子的首选武器——定海神针铁,曾一度被用于保持海洋的稳定——极其巨大与沉重.
        但是, 通过它的魔法, 猴子能将此棒缩小至针样大小, 并常常将其藏在耳朵后面。他能用命令字
        使它增长至任意长度, 甚至到达天宫, 而且无论其大小, 他挥舞此棒如同一根轻型棍棒. 但是,
        此棒是如此沉重以至于没有任何其他人能拿得动它. 使用它时, 猴子能在 1到1000点之间选择造
        72变: 猴子学会这些神秘的变化作为他强大力量的一部分(这一句看不懂……乱写的). 在游戏中
        毫毛: 猴子能够从自己的皮肤上拔掉毫毛并扔向空中(我记得西游记原文是“迎风一晃”), 使它
        们变形为他的小猴子(全部都是强悍的战士,装备着从天宫和地狱偷来的武器). 他也可以用同
        样的方法创造出活化的剑与盾牌, 它们无论在何处都造成1d1000点伤害,如同猴子自己攻击一样
        . 他曾用这些能力与众神战斗.
        瞬间移动: 猴子常常驾着一朵金色云彩进行战斗,此云能以接近瞬移的速度使他移动至任何位置
        , 这是他从不朽贤者(我怎么记得是菩提祖师哩)处学到的魔法。当他不在云上时,他仍能凌空
        翻个筋斗并移动几千里格(一里格=三英里,词霸如是说). 简而言之, 他能够撤出战斗而没有
        场上的任何位置. 与猴王作战的人类一定会失败.

        IP属地:江苏4楼2011-12-07 19:04

          5楼2011-12-07 19:08
            Hit Dice:
            64d12+960 (1376 hp)
            +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
            40ft (8 squares), Swim 40ft (8 squares)
            +64 (+30 Natural, +15 deflection, +16 divine (sacred), +1 Dex, -8 Size), touch +34, flat-footed +63
            Base Attack/Grapple:
            +64 / +102
            Tail slam +80 (4d8+22)
            Full Attack:
            Tail slam +80 (4d8+22), 2 Claws +78 (2d6+11), Bite +78 (4d6+11)
            20ft./ 35ft
            Special Attacks:
            Trample, Improved grab, Swallow whole, Breath weapon, Augmented Criticals, Shockwave, Nuclear Pulse, Battle Rage, Spiral Fire
            Special Qualities:
            Divine Qualities, Darkvision 120ft, Low-light Vision, Energy Resistance (Acid, Cold, Electrical, Fire, Sonic, Radiation) 50, SR 77, Death throes, Fast healing 20, No Breath, Absorb energy, Scent, Radiation
            Fort +51, Ref +37, Will +38
            Str 54, Dex 12, Con 41, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 45
            Intimidate +51, Listen +37, Spot +37, Survival +36
            Ability focus (Breath weapon, Spiral Fire), Alertness, Awesome Blow, Blind Fight, Cleave, Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Greater Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Snatch, Weapon Focus (Bite, Claws, Tail Slam)
            Any Land or Ocean
            Challenge Rating:
            Always Neutral
            Destruction, Protection, Radiation*, Strength, War
            Holy Symbol:
            Image of Godzilla in a sea of flames
            * New Domain
            Known as the King of the Monsters, Godzilla is one of the most powerful of all the kaiju gods, and also one of the most well known. Ancient even by the standards of the other Kaiju gods, the King of the Monsters embodies the most primal and destructive forces of nature, nuclear energy and rebirth. The slightest sign that Godzilla is active will send entire cities into panic, and when his bellowing roar is heard, people run about in terror, desperately trying to escape the destruction that follows in this monster's wake.
            Godzilla's appearance is vaguely humanoid, standing completely erect. His head is small for his body's size, and vaguely resembles that of a monitor lizard. Godzilla's arms are long enough to give him an effective claw attack, and his mouth is lined with a double row of teeth. The creature's massive tail, which is as long as his body, drags behind him, but can be used to land devastating blows to enemy kaiju or structures that get too close. However, Godzilla's most noticeable features are his dorsal spines. These long, leaf-like protuberances jut out of the kaiju's back in three rows, the central of which is taller than the outer two. The spines begin at the base of the skull, and extend all the way down his back, becoming tallest at the shoulder blade, and ending as the base of the tail, where they become a series of small ridges that reach to the tip of his tail. When using his trademark breath weapon, these dorsal spines glow bright blue, or crimson if he uses his deadly Spiral Fire attack. Godzilla is over 160ft long from his face to the tip of his tail, and fills half that dimension in width.

            6楼2011-12-07 19:12

              Battle Rage (Ex): Five times per day, at will, Godzilla can fly into a bloodthirsty rage, which lasts for up to 21 rounds. This state is identical to a barbarian's Mighty Rage ability (+8 to Str and Con, +4 moral bonus to Will saves, -2 penalty on AC). Godzilla suffers no ill effects once the rage ends.
              While enraged, Godzilla can still use all of his special attacks.
              Spiral Fire (Su): Five times per day, but no more than once every 1d4 rounds, Godzilla can breathe out a searing red beam of radiation, similar to his normal breath weapon, but considerably more powerful. This attack takes the form of a line 200-ft long (10ft. tall by 10ft. wide), and inflicts 20d6 points of radiation, and 10d6 points of force damage to all creatures caught in the blast. In addition, each dice deals a minimum of 3 points of damage (count 1's or 2's as being 3's). Any creature caught in this attack may make a Reflex save (DC for 59) for half damage. The DC is constitution based.
              Any creature killed by this attack is reduced to dust and can only be raised from the dead by a True Resurrection, Miracle or Wish.
              Nuclear Pulse (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, Godzilla can create a wave of radiation, centered on himself and extending 50 feet outwards in a burst. All creatures caught in the burst take 8d6 points of radiation damage, and are thrown backwards 1d8x10 feet, sustaining 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet traveled. A successful Reflex save (DC 57) reduces the damage to half and prevents the knock back. Creatures grappling with Godzilla when he uses this ability do not get a saving throw. This DC is constitution based.
              Absorb Energy (Su): Godzilla absorbs any radiation-based damage that penetrates his energy resistance, and converts it into temporary hit points that last for ten minutes before vanishing.
              No Breath (Ex): Godzilla does not need to breath, and is immune to gas based attacks that require a fortitude saving throw. He can also exist in an airless environment, such as underground or underwater with no penalty.
              Death Throes (Su): When killed, Godzilla glows red for a moment then explodes in a deadly burst of radiation, dealing 40d6 points of radiation damage to everything within five miles. Creatures within this region may make a Reflex saving throw (DC 57) for half damage. The special ability evasion and improved evasion do not work against this damage. This save is Constitution based.
              Radiation: Godzilla's body is highly radioactive, and leaves ambient radiation behind when he moves through an area, as do any of his attacks that deal radiation damage. The strength of this ambient radiation is overwhelming (see Detect Radiation), and lasts for 3d10 x 10 years.
              For every hour creatures spend near Godzilla himself or in an area contaminated by his radioactive presence must make a fortitude save (DC 16) or suffer 1d6 points of temporary constitution damage. On a roll of 4 or higher, 1 point of damage becomes permanent. Any creature with Energy Resistance - Radiation 5 or greater is immune to this damage, as is any creature with the radiation subtype.

              8楼2011-12-07 19:12

                See the Detect Radiation spell for further details on the effects of lingering radiation.
                Godzilla's Worship and Worshipers
                Godzilla, the embodiment of destruction, has many informal worshipers in the world. While not their primary deity, they will often pray to Godzilla in an effort to ward off a natural disaster, or bring destruction down upon their opponent's heads. When the monstrous god appears, many send prayers to him in the hopes that he will not come to their homes. Sometimes he will hear these prayers, and turn towards another city. Other times, he will not and continues on his way. Such is the nature of the destroyer god.
                While Godzilla has a great deal of informal worship, it's his formal worshipers that are few and far between. Most people don't want to draw the attention from Godzilla that it requires to gain his patronage; as such attention often results in the destruction of one's home. Yet, there are those who worship the kaiju as their primary god. Many destruction and armageddon cults have Godzilla as their patron god, for within him is the raw, emotionless furry of the cosmos embodied in flesh. Such cults devoted to the king of monsters are often not evil in nature. Unlike those that are devoted to Desghidorah or Destoroyah, Godzilla's worshipers are not maliciously destructive. Rather, they simply embody the aspects of nature that tear down what has been built for the sake of renewing the cycle.
                The Godzilla church has few formal temples. Since there's is a god of destruction, raising edifices runs counter to their nature. Rather, the often gather in places of grand catastrophe, such as volcanoes or cities leveled by kaiju, preferably Godzilla. In such places, where destruction abounds and everything has fallen to pieces, the followers of the king of monsters find the greatest representations of their faith.
                Godzilla's priests are a diverse group but usually come from the humans and half-orc races. Some wear jagged, ornate armor, emulating the appearance of their god, wielding their spells like miniature versions of the King of Monsters. Others prefer a more reserved appearance, often dressing as victims of a natural disaster. By doing so, they claim to show deference to the emotionless destructive force of their god. The message is clear to those who know how to look: even those loyal to the King of Monsters are not above his fury.
                Godzilla's priests, because of their destructive habits, often run into conflict with the servants of the other gods, particularly the Triad and Biollante. The animosity between these two groups is legendary, and battles between the orders are quite frequent and deadly.
                Among the neutral gods, the only group that the King of Monster's priesthood don't constantly fight with are the followers of the Sky Lord, Rodan. Conversely, battles between the followers of Kiryu and Godzilla are almost constantly at war, due to the dichotomy in their natures.
                Among the evil gods, King Ghidorah, SpaceGodzilla, Destoroyah and Legion most often come into conflict with Godzilla's worshipers, but the priesthood will fight with any god's followers at the drop of a feather. By it's very nature, the followers of the King of Monsters are constantly seeking to destroy the evil gods and their worshipers. Few religious scholars chose to look into the belligerent tendencies of these men and women. After all, staring a wild tiger in the eyes is one of the best ways to get mauled.

                9楼2011-12-07 19:12

                  IP属地:北京10楼2011-12-07 19:28

                    IP属地:辽宁11楼2011-12-07 19:42

                      IP属地:辽宁12楼2011-12-07 19:43

                        13楼2011-12-07 20:07

                          14楼2011-12-07 20:38

                            IP属地:辽宁15楼2011-12-07 20:48

                              16楼2011-12-07 21:46