原名 Jacoba Francisca Maria Smulders
身高:173 CM
职业:演员 模特
【Early life 早年生活:】
Smulders was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, to a Dutch father and a British mother.
Smulders 出生在加拿大温哥华,英属哥伦比亚, 父亲是荷兰人,母亲是英国人。
She was named after her Dutch great-aunt, Jacoba,
for which she gained the nickname "Cobie".
她的名字是叔伯母Jacoba给起的, 所以她就有了Cobie这个名字。
As a child Smulders wanted to be either a doctor or a marine biologist but started to gain an
interest in acting in high school
appearing in several school productions. 于是她出现在了几个学校拍的几个小节目中。