His relationship with his former manager and late father-in-law Alex Lambie is never far away from the forefront and Graeme talks passionately about his relationship with the man who he says ‘changed his life’. He also talks lovingly about his relationship with his wife Elaine, who at times, seems to have had seemingly infinite patience with him as Graeme can be quite fairly described at times as the third child in their family.
His talk of dealing with depression is frank and honest. He talks of sitting in a room for hours on end just staring into space and not moving, actually that sounds a bit like me when the World Championships are on…but Graeme, having been prone to bursting into tears at any given time, including in a match involving Barry Pinches (I know the feeling Graeme trust me, I’ve done that too, but for different reasons) talks about how he eventually realised that he had a problem and is continuing to deal with it.在如何从抑郁中解脱出来的问题上,格雷姆毫无保留地敞开了心扉。他曾经连续好几个小时就那样茫然地呆坐在一个房间里一动不动,听起来有点像我在世锦赛正在进行的时候……而格雷姆,他却经常在任何时候突然大哭起来,包括在与巴里平治的一场比赛中。(我能体会到他当时的感受,我也曾有过那样的表现,不过原因不同。)最后他讲述了他发现自己患有抑郁症并持续与之作斗争的经过。