1216541118Marvel got the jump on DC in developing a shared cinematic universe and it has paid off handsomely for the company. So beginning with Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, Warner Bros. is planning to take a similar approach. This 彩蛋 is a bit of a SPOILER, so if you don’t want to ruin your Man of Steel experience, stop reading now.1410虽然原著作者已经说的八九不离十了,但对于chloe是否真的能出演这部影片,我还是存有疑问 http://www度hypable狗com/2013/06/01/if-i-stay-movie-chloe-moretz-to-star/6710732转自绿豆蛙吧5617362一大波无节操袭来。。。1662511有好多张内心被触动了:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2255154795298126看第三个 2分26秒!!!!!! http://www.albertafilmratings.ca/recentclasstrailers.aspx76111314151217莫名戳中笑点。。。8