3962017年1月18 狮迷在询问Idube保护区时,保护区工作者回复当天没看到疤臀。疤臀前一次露面在1月14,在那之前几天他刚捕杀并吃了1头鬣狗。 When we see Hipscar we will post a picture, today we saw thislion and his sister 图:2017年1月7 在豹山的疤臀 图:2017年1月13发布的在萨比森西部的疤臀 那么没有待在西部的疤臀去了哪里了呢?其实在这之前一天他已经在东边的保护区现身了。 2017年1月17 singita向导在londolozi与singita交界处目击到蛮海尼狮群全体、部分蛮海尼分队母狮与28三只新雄狮入侵塞伦盖蒂的 Gol Kopjes 地区。第一只雄狮看起来很像 Snyggve/Bob Junior小鲍勃。请注意,该区域目前由三只Golden Boys黄金男孩(Rollo、Rasta 和 Kaka)统治。 "3 new males invading the Gol Kopjes area in Serengeti. The first male looks a lot like Snyggve/Bob Junior. Note that this area is currently ruled by the 3 Golden Boys (Rollo, Rasta & Kaka)."By Brahim Khaddaoui OUR VERSION OF LION KING ! LIONS IN TANZANIA The Serengeti is home to one of the largest populations of lions in Africa, making it a premier destination for tho11610姆苏图Msuthlu狮群正在猎杀斑马。成年狮子吃饱了,在休息,而幼崽则急切地吃东西。狮群最近也击倒了一只长颈鹿,这次新鲜的猎杀令人欣喜,尤其是考虑到最近几周最小的幼崽似乎极度营养不良。 The Msuthlu Pride was on a zebra kill. With full bellies, the adults rested while the cubs eagerly fed. The pride had also recently brought down a giraffe & this fresh kill was a welcome sight, especially since the youngest cubs had appeared extremely malnourished in recent weeks. 姆蘇圖Msuthlu獅群正在獵殺斑馬。成年0我们寻找南方狮群的运气不好——直到斑马警报声才引导我们找到了他们,狮群正追赶着一群斑马。可惜狩猎失败了,但狮群在空旷的地方休息,为天黑后的另一次尝试节省能量。 We searched for the Southern Pride with no luck—until zebra alarm calls led us to them in pursuit of a herd. The hunt failed, but the pride rested in the open, saving energy for another try after dark. 我們尋找南方獅群的運氣不好——直到斑馬警報聲才引導我們找到了他們,獅群正追趕著一群斑馬。可惜狩獵失敗了,333400025301826448634644335179最近吧里好多人都说马匪无能 令人失望之类的话 本人就客观的说两句 你们说马老三马老五 遇到五只差不多都成年的对手 又拖家带口 要是你是他们却拥有人75Eye to eye with the future king of the savanna. When I saw this young male lion coming towards me I knew I have to get my camera on the ground, as low as possible to get that special perspective and shallow depth of field. Shot with Nikon Z9+ Nikon 400mm 2.8 TC lens 与未来的稀树草原之王面对面。 当我看到这只年轻的雄狮走向我时,我知道我必须将相机放在地面上,尽可能低才能获得特殊的视角和浅景深。 使用尼康 Z9+ 尼康 400mm 2.8 TC 镜头拍摄 from yarinklein_wild_photography 2025.03.061理性思考4