1532625152555107一楼请坐。 @单恋宇之花 @无宇伦比PHIL @西北猫 @WX没关系9991920170805张宇老师陕西延安吴起演出音频照片http://pan.baidu.com/s/1geOD6TH230再發一次你們看得到嗎?哈哈!7月生日的朋友,生日快樂啊!75我兒這個月要放暑假回來了,但他忙我也忙,好像沒什麼時間相聚啊!但這就是未來必然的父子關係。是嗎? 6月生日的朋友,生日快樂啊!107今天是51勞動節,台灣勞工放假,但學生黨還是得上學讀書去,你們也要上課嗎?還是可以窩在家裡呢? 5月生日的朋友,生日快樂!18167今天也是我的生日,24年前的今天,正式出版了第一張唱片,走路有風。感謝大家支持,我過得很幸福。4月生日的朋友,生日快樂!120春天了,但是怎麼還是冬天的感覺?今年院子裡櫻花沒開,光禿禿,好醜!哈哈! 3月生日的朋友生日快樂啊!105正在旅行,不同的環境,可以認識不同的自己,勇敢出發吧! 祝2月生日的朋友,生日快樂!141On the level /On the up and up 誠實,誠懇,合法,政黨,光明磊落 Are you sure this deal is on the level? 你確信這筆交易合法嗎? I ain't got nothing to hide, It's all on the up and up. 我沒什麼好隱瞞的,所有事情都可以攤在陽光下。146Strike a chord引起同情;產生共鳴 This song has really struck a chord in my heart. 這首歌真的打到我了。 curiosity 好奇心 "Why do you ask?" "Oh,just idle curiosity." 你問這幹嘛?沒什麼,好奇而已。127clue to Diet may hold the clue to the causes migraine. 从饮食习惯有可能找出偏头痛的原因。 He found a clue to the mysterious affair. 他发现了解开这个神秘事件的线索。126conflict with Our interests seem to conflict with each other. 我们之间的利益似乎互相冲突。 These results conflict with earlier findings. 这些结果于早期的发现相互矛盾。101非常抱歉,本人目前嚴重咳嗽中(三年一度,哈哈!)。請容我暫停一次宇哥英文。上一期的功課我也留到下一期一起改。謝謝!123exclude Try excluding fat from your diet. 平時用餐時試試不含脂肪的食物。 She felt excluded by the other girls. 她感到自己受到其他女孩子的排斥。127The president said that he would not run for the second term. 總統說他不會競選連任。 I feel I'm stagnating in this job. 我覺得,幹這個工作有沒有長進。149You scratch our backs,we'll scratch yours. 你幫我們,我們也會幫你的。 Mariah Carey was caught lip syncing at Dick Clark's new year rockin' eve 2017. Mariah Carey參加Dick Clark的2017年新年搖滾夜,假唱!137Old tricks the best tricks. 老辦法就是好辦法。 Shall I hang your coat up? 我把你的大衣掛起來好嗎?134You could say you were ill but I don't think they'd buy it. 你可以稱病,但我想他們不會相信的。 It's like slapping God for giving you a gorgeous gift. 這好比是上帝給你一份厚禮,你卻回敬他一記耳光。139tear tore torn I tore another sheet from the pad. 我從本子上又撕下了另外一張紙。 I still remember that you tore all my tapes apart when you were a baby. 我還記得將你還是個小baby的時候你把我的卡帶都撕爛了。148嘿嘿嘿!以為我忘了對不對?沒有喔!2017年的第一天怎麼會忘呢?祝1月生日的朋友,生日快樂喔!新年也快樂!哈哈哈😁😁😁141She just kept yakking on. 她一直在東拉西扯。 Have I come at an awkward time? 我來的不是時候吧?144~next to~ I know next to nothing about European art history. 我對歐洲藝術史一無所知。 The horse came next to the last in the race. 這匹馬在比賽中跑了倒數第二名。155tell 區別,分辨 It's difficult to tell them apart. 很難把他們區分開來 The kittens look exactly alike-- how can you tell which is which? 這些小貓看起來一模一樣,你怎麼能夠分辨出哪隻是哪隻?162I'm sure you can understand our need to cut corners around here. 我知道你也同意,咱們就別拐彎抹角了,直奔主題。 This car is overdue for a service. 這輛車早該維修了。128I'm just an ordinary guy with nothing to lose. 我只是一個豁出去的普通人。 I am fully aware of our allergies. 我十分清楚我們的過敏史。141I never cheated on a test. 我考試從不作弊。 Someone's going to go flying if you don't pick up these toys. 你要是不撿起這些玩具就會絆倒別人。 go flyjng跌倒;(尤指)絆了一跤172roundabout圓環,環島 At the roundabout ,take the second exit. 到了圓環後,走第二個出口。 I'm sick and tired of being treated like I don't exist. 我受夠了你們把我當空氣。 請注意exist,和exit發音的不同144traffic 路上行駛的車輛;交通(是個不可數的名詞) There's always a lot of traffic at this time of day. 每天這個時候總是有很多來往的車輛。 They were stuck in traffic and missed their flight. 他們遇到了塞車,沒有趕上班機。1521.It will come out in the wash. 終將水落石出真相大白。 問題中會解決的,困難將會被克服的 2.The full story came out at the trial. 案情始末在審判時真相大白。147Was this intentional? 這是故意的吧? 70$買一件t-shirt!太不值得了! $70 for a T-shirt ! What a rip-off !145fuss無謂的激動(或憂慮、行動);大驚小怪 It's a very ordinary movie.I don't know what all the fuss is about. 這就是一部很普通的電影,我不知道為什麼這麼轟動。 I'm sorry for making such a fuss about the noise. 對不起,我為吵鬧聲發了這麼大的牢騷。160last(強調)最不可能的,最不適當的 He's the last person I'd trust with secret. 我要是有什麼秘密,告訴誰也不能告訴他。 The last thing she needed was more work. 他最不需要的就是更多的工作。148Remember to take some paper , a pen,etc. 記住帶些紙筆等東西。 (etc.=et cetera) There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely. 單身和孤獨的意義截然不同。140I don't mean that in a bad way. 我不是那個意思。 She's not your friend.She is someone you use to feel better about yourself. 她不是你的朋友。他不過是你用來維持自己優越感的人。131(It is ) no wonder ( that )... 難怪..(怪不得...) It is no wonder you can't sleep. 難怪你睡不著。 No wonder she was late again. 怪不得他當時又遲到了。 (也可以把no改成small意思用法都一樣。)135suck up 拍馬屁 Don't bother sucking up! 別拍馬屁了!(這裡的bother是動詞,指浪費時間的意思,而非打擾的意思。) She kept sucking up to the teachers,especially Mrs Clement. 她不停的拍老師們的馬屁,特別是Mrs Clement169又ㄧ年要結束,今年有什麼收穫?明年有什麼展望? 12月生日的朋友,生日快樂!196Staff:Hello,Where are you flying to today? Passenger:New York City S:Can I get your ticket and passport please. P:Yeah,right here. S:Would you like window or aisle seat? P:Aisle seat . S:How many bags are you checking in? P:Just one for checking and one carry-on. S:Did you pack the bag yourself? P:Yes S:Has it been with you at all times? P:Nope S:Did anyone give you anything to carry for them? P:No S:Pleace place your bag on the scale. S:Great ,and here's your boarding pass .Your seat is the 17A and your gate number is C9. You're all set. P:Thank you! 今天比較長,一篇就好了,不懂166Now with internet and mobile phones, check-in for printing out your ticket, boarding pass and luggage tags can all be done at electronic kiosk at many airports. 現在很多機場都可也使用網路或手機到電子櫃臺辦理登機並打印出你的機票,登機證,行李條。 mobile phone 手機 check-in 登機手續,入住手續 boarding pass登機證 luggage tags行李條 electronic kiosk電子櫃臺(亭);自助櫃臺133Slowly and strangely, Ang Lee's movies are growing on me. 真是不可思議,我愈來愈喜歡李安的電影。151Taxi driver: Where would you like me to drop you off? 請問你要到哪裡下車? Traveler:Drop me at the departure level of JFK airport please. 紐約肯尼迪機場出境大廳。謝謝!