1神通广大的网友们,求个英文名! 中文:张彤熙
100021111721Smisun-爱笑并且很阳光的女孩 Sninhan–Snow in hand手中白雪 PlsInfa–pls他的名字,Infatuation迷恋 #取名 #英文网名#英文昵称 可以按要求取3有没有人知道iewuw是啥意思啊912招配音闲暇时间做,有声书录制,一本书5k+ 适合作为副业,前期有手机,在家就可以做 欢迎大家来录声试音,声音饱满有情感,有代入感就很棒了!! 小白不会可学可教~还有许多优质书单推荐。感兴趣的看评论。18############################################################################################################################################155Hello, I AM CHIAO.284急求男生纯英文网名,不要复制的,带翻译,带效果图0芝美达用英文怎么简写的?不要太长。谢谢各位大佬01010--转自“quora英语阅读”app-- Don’t name your kid something with negative associations. It’s one thing to name your child Jeffrey. It’s quite another to call him Lucifer. Don’t name multiple births things you’ll never be able to differentiate. Lauren and Lydia are fine. Lauren and Laura are pushing it. Lauren and Laureen should be illegal. Names that are too outdated to work these days. There was a time it was fine to name your children Ethel, Gertrude, Bart, etc. Those times are now gone. “Youneek” names. Ashley is fine. Ashleigh is fine too. Asshally is not. Anna is fine0经核实吧主云冶ecoh 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 英文网名吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组